SPage 144
- English Word Self-conceited Definition Having an overweening opinion of one's own powers, attainments; vain; conceited.
- English Word Self-concern Definition Concern for one's self.
- English Word Self-condemnation Definition Condemnation of one's self by one's own judgment.
- English Word Self-confidence Definition The quality or state of being self-confident; self-reliance.
- English Word Self-confident Definition Confident of one's own strength or powers; relying on one's judgment or ability; self-reliant.
- English Word Self-conjugate Definition Having the two things that are conjugate parts of the same figure; as, self-conjugate triangles.
- English Word Self-conscious Definition Conscious of one's acts or state as belonging to, or originating in, one's self.
- English Word Self-conscious Definition Conscious of one's self as an object of the observation of others; as, the speaker was too self-conscious.
- English Word Self-consciousness Definition The quality or state of being self-conscious.
- English Word Self-considering Definition Considering in one's own mind; deliberating.
- English Word Self-consistency Definition The quality or state of being self-consistent.
- English Word Self-consuming Definition Consuming one's self or itself.
- English Word Self-contained Definition Having self-control; reserved; uncommunicative; wholly engrossed in one's self.
- English Word Self-contained Definition Having all the essential working parts connected by a bedplate or framework, or contained in a case, etc., so that mutual relations of the parts do not depend upon fastening outside of the machine itself.
- English Word Self-contradiction Definition The act of contradicting one's self or itself; repugnancy in conceptions or in terms; a proposition consisting of two members, one of which contradicts the other; as, to be and not to be at the same time is a self-contradiction.
- English Word Self-contradictory Definition Contradicting one's self or itself.
- English Word Self-control Definition Control of one's self; restraint exercised over one's self; self-command.
- English Word Self-convicted Definition Convicted by one's own consciousness, knowledge, avowal, or acts.
- English Word Self-conviction Definition The act of convicting one's self, or the state of being self-convicted.
- English Word Self-created Definition Created by one's self; not formed or constituted by another.
- English Word Self-culture Definition Culture, training, or education of one's self by one's own efforts.
- English Word Self-deceit Definition The act of deceiving one's self, or the state of being self-deceived; self-deception.
- English Word Self-deceived Definition Deceived or misled respecting one's self by one's own mistake or error.
- English Word Self-deception Definition Self-deceit.
- English Word Self-defence Definition See Self-defense.
- English Word Self-defense Definition The act of defending one's own person, property, or reputation.
- English Word Self-defensive Definition Defending, or tending to defend, one's own person, property, or reputation.
- English Word Self-degradation Definition The act of degrading one's self, or the state of being so degraded.
- English Word Self-delation Definition Accusation of one's self.
- English Word Self-delusion Definition The act of deluding one's self, or the state of being thus deluded.