SPage 136
- English Word Seemlyhed Definition Comely or decent appearance.
- English Word Seen Definition p. p. of See.
- English Word Seen Definition Versed; skilled; accomplished.
- English Word Seen Definition of See
- English Word Seep Definition Alt. of Sipe
- English Word Seepage Definition Alt. of Sipage
- English Word Seepy Definition Alt. of Sipy
- English Word Seer Definition Sore; painful.
- English Word Seer Definition One who sees.
- English Word Seer Definition A person who foresees events; a prophet.
- English Word Seeress Definition A female seer; a prophetess.
- English Word Seerfish Definition A scombroid food fish of Madeira (Cybium Commersonii).
- English Word Seerhand Definition A kind of muslin of a texture between nainsook and mull.
- English Word Seership Definition The office or quality of a seer.
- English Word Seersucker Definition A light fabric, originally made in the East Indies, of silk and linen, usually having alternating stripes, and a slightly craped or puckered surface; also, a cotton fabric of similar appearance.
- English Word Seerwood Definition Dry wood.
- English Word Seesaw Definition A play among children in which they are seated upon the opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle, and move alternately up and down.
- English Word Seesaw Definition A plank or board adjusted for this play.
- English Word Seesaw Definition A vibratory or reciprocating motion.
- English Word Seesaw Definition Same as Crossruff.
- English Word Seesaw Definition To move with a reciprocating motion; to move backward and forward, or upward and downward.
- English Word Seesaw Definition To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion.
- English Word Seesaw Definition Moving up and down, or to and fro; having a reciprocating motion.
- English Word Seesawad Definition of Seesaw
- English Word Seesawing Definition of Seesaw
- English Word Seet Definition Sate; sat.
- English Word Seeth Definition imp. of Seethe.
- English Word Seethe Definition To decoct or prepare for food in hot liquid; to boil; as, to seethe flesh.
- English Word Seethe Definition To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil.
- English Word Seethed Definition of Seethe