SPage 135
- English Word Seek-sorrow Definition One who contrives to give himself vexation.
- English Word Seeker Definition One who seeks; that which is used in seeking or searching.
- English Word Seeker Definition One of a small heterogeneous sect of the 17th century, in Great Britain, who professed to be seeking the true church, ministry, and sacraments.
- English Word Seeking Definition of Seek
- English Word Seel Definition To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing through the lids threads which were fastened over the head.
- English Word Seel Definition Hence, to shut or close, as the eyes; to blind.
- English Word Seel Definition To incline to one side; to lean; to roll, as a ship at sea.
- English Word Seel Definition Alt. of Seeling
- English Word Seel Definition Good fortune; favorable opportunity; prosperity. [Obs.] "So have I seel".
- English Word Seel Definition Time; season; as, hay seel.
- English Word Seeled Definition of Seel
- English Word Seelily Definition In a silly manner.
- English Word Seeling Definition of Seel
- English Word Seeling Definition The rolling or agitation of a ship in a storm.
- English Word Seely Definition See Silly.
- English Word Seem Definition To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one's apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as.
- English Word Seem Definition To befit; to beseem.
- English Word Seemed Definition of Seem
- English Word Seemer Definition One who seems; one who carries or assumes an appearance or semblance.
- English Word Seeming Definition of Seem
- English Word Seeming Definition Having a semblance, whether with or without reality; apparent; specious; befitting; as, seeming friendship; seeming truth.
- English Word Seeming Definition Appearance; show; semblance; fair appearance; speciousness.
- English Word Seeming Definition Apprehension; judgment.
- English Word Seemingly Definition In appearance; in show; in semblance; apparently; ostensibly.
- English Word Seemingness Definition Semblance; fair appearance; plausibility.
- English Word Seemless Definition Unseemly.
- English Word Seemlily Definition In a seemly manner.
- English Word Seemliness Definition The quality or state of being seemly: comeliness; propriety.
- English Word Seemly Definition Suited to the object, occasion, purpose, or character; suitable; fit; becoming; comely; decorous.
- English Word Seemly Definition In a decent or suitable manner; becomingly.