SPage 125
- English Word Secernent Definition Secreting; secretory.
- English Word Secernent Definition That which promotes secretion.
- English Word Secernent Definition A vessel in, or by means of, which the process of secretion takes place; a secreting vessel.
- English Word Secerning Definition of Secern
- English Word Secernment Definition The act or process of secreting.
- English Word Secess Definition Retirement; retreat; secession.
- English Word Secession Definition The act of seceding; separation from fellowship or association with others, as in a religious or political organization; withdrawal.
- English Word Secession Definition The withdrawal of a State from the national Union.
- English Word Secessionism Definition The doctrine or policy of secession; the tenets of secession; the tenets of secessionists.
- English Word Secessionist Definition One who upholds secession.
- English Word Secessionist Definition One who holds to the belief that a State has the right to separate from the Union at its will.
- English Word Seche Definition To seek.
- English Word Sechium Definition The edible fruit of a West Indian plant (Sechium edule) of the Gourd family. It is soft, pear-shaped, and about four inches long, and contains a single large seed. The root of the plant resembles a yam, and is used for food.
- English Word Seck Definition Barren; unprofitable. See Rent seck, under Rent.
- English Word Seckel Definition A small reddish brown sweet and juicy pear. It originated on a farm near Philadelphia, afterwards owned by a Mr. Seckel.
- English Word Secle Definition A century.
- English Word Seclude Definition To shut up apart from others; to withdraw into, or place in, solitude; to separate from society or intercourse with others.
- English Word Seclude Definition To shut or keep out; to exclude.
- English Word Secluded Definition of Seclude
- English Word Secluding Definition of Seclude
- English Word Seclusion Definition The act of secluding, or the state of being secluded; separation from society or connection; a withdrawing; privacy; as, to live in seclusion.
- English Word Seclusive Definition Tending to seclude; keeping in seclusion; secluding; sequestering.
- English Word Second Definition Immediately following the first; next to the first in order of place or time; hence, occuring again; another; other.
- English Word Second Definition Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity, or rank; secondary; subordinate; inferior.
- English Word Second Definition Being of the same kind as another that has preceded; another, like a protype; as, a second Cato; a second Troy; a second deluge.
- English Word Second Definition One who, or that which, follows, or comes after; one next and inferior in place, time, rank, importance, excellence, or power.
- English Word Second Definition One who follows or attends another for his support and aid; a backer; an assistant; specifically, one who acts as another's aid in a duel.
- English Word Second Definition Aid; assistance; help.
- English Word Second Definition An article of merchandise of a grade inferior to the best; esp., a coarse or inferior kind of flour.
- English Word Second Definition The sixtieth part of a minute of time or of a minute of space, that is, the second regular subdivision of the degree; as, sound moves about 1,140 English feet in a second; five minutes and ten seconds north of this place.