SPage 124
- English Word Seaweed Definition Popularly, any plant or plants growing in the sea.
- English Word Seaweed Definition Any marine plant of the class Algae, as kelp, dulse, Fucus, Ulva, etc.
- English Word Seawife Definition A European wrasse (Labrus vetula).
- English Word Seawives Definition of Seawife
- English Word Seaworthiness Definition The state or quality of being seaworthy, or able to resist the ordinary violence of wind and weather.
- English Word Seaworthy Definition Fit for a voyage; worthy of being trusted to transport a cargo with safety; as, a seaworthy ship.
- English Word Sebaceous Definition Pertaining to, or secreting, fat; composed of fat; having the appearance of fat; as, the sebaceous secretions of some plants, or the sebaceous humor of animals.
- English Word Sebacic Definition Of or pertaining to fat; derived from, or resembling, fat; specifically, designating an acid (formerly called also sebic, and pyroleic, acid), obtained by the distillation or saponification of certain oils (as castor oil) as a white crystalline substance.
- English Word Sebat Definition The eleventh month of the ancient Hebrew year, approximately corresponding with February.
- English Word Sebate Definition A salt of sebacic acid.
- English Word Sebesten Definition The mucilaginous drupaceous fruit of two East Indian trees (Cordia Myxa, and C. latifolia), sometimes used medicinally in pectoral diseases.
- English Word Sebic Definition See Sebacic.
- English Word Sebiferous Definition Producing vegetable tallow.
- English Word Sebiferous Definition Producing fat; sebaceous; as, the sebiferous, or sebaceous, glands.
- English Word Sebiparous Definition Same as Sebiferous.
- English Word Seborrhea Definition A morbidly increased discharge of sebaceous matter upon the skin; stearrhea.
- English Word Secale Definition A genus of cereal grasses including rye.
- English Word Secancy Definition A cutting; an intersection; as, the point of secancy of one line by another.
- English Word Secant Definition Cutting; divivding into two parts; as, a secant line.
- English Word Secant Definition A line that cuts another; especially, a straight line cutting a curve in two or more points.
- English Word Secant Definition A right line drawn from the center of a circle through one end of a circular arc, and terminated by a tangent drawn from the other end; the number expressing the ratio line of this line to the radius of the circle. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
- English Word Secco Definition Dry.
- English Word Secede Definition To withdraw from fellowship, communion, or association; to separate one's self by a solemn act; to draw off; to retire; especially, to withdraw from a political or religious body.
- English Word Seceded Definition of Secede
- English Word Seceder Definition One who secedes.
- English Word Seceder Definition One of a numerous body of Presbyterians in Scotland who seceded from the communion of the Established Church, about the year 1733, and formed the Secession Church, so called.
- English Word Seceding Definition of Secede
- English Word Secern Definition To separate; to distinguish.
- English Word Secern Definition To secrete; as, mucus secerned in the nose.
- English Word Secerned Definition of Secern