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- English Word Rebukable Definition Worthy of rebuke or reprehension; reprehensible.
- English Word Rebuke Definition To check, silence, or put down, with reproof; to restrain by expression of disapprobation; to reprehend sharply and summarily; to chide; to reprove; to admonish.
- English Word Rebuke Definition A direct and pointed reproof; a reprimand; also, chastisement; punishment.
- English Word Rebuke Definition Check; rebuff.
- English Word Rebuked Definition of Rebuke
- English Word Rebukeful Definition Containing rebuke; of the nature of rebuke.
- English Word Rebuker Definition One who rebukes.
- English Word Rebuking Definition of Rebuke
- English Word Rebukingly Definition By way of rebuke.
- English Word Rebullition Definition The act of boiling up or effervescing.
- English Word Rebury Definition To bury again.
- English Word Rebus Definition A mode of expressing words and phrases by pictures of objects whose names resemble those words, or the syllables of which they are composed; enigmatical representation of words by figures; hence, a peculiar form of riddle made up of such representations.
- English Word Rebus Definition A pictorial suggestion on a coat of arms of the name of the person to whom it belongs. See Canting arms, under Canting.
- English Word Rebus Definition To mark or indicate by a rebus.
- English Word Rebuses Definition of Rebus
- English Word Rebut Definition To drive or beat back; to repulse.
- English Word Rebut Definition To contradict, meet, or oppose by argument, plea, or countervailing proof.
- English Word Rebut Definition To retire; to recoil.
- English Word Rebut Definition To make, or put in, an answer, as to a plaintiff's surrejoinder.
- English Word Rebuttable Definition Capable of being rebutted.
- English Word Rebuttal Definition The giving of evidence on the part of a plaintiff to destroy the effect of evidence introduced by the defendant in the same suit.
- English Word Rebutted Definition of Rebut
- English Word Rebutter Definition The answer of a defendant in matter of fact to a plaintiff's surrejoinder.
- English Word Rebutting Definition of Rebut
- English Word Recadency Definition A falling back or descending a second time; a relapse.
- English Word Recalcitrant Definition Kicking back; recalcitrating; hence, showing repugnance or opposition; refractory.
- English Word Recalcitrate Definition To kick against; to show repugnance to; to rebuff.
- English Word Recalcitrate Definition To kick back; to kick against anything; hence, to express repugnance or opposition.
- English Word Recalcitration Definition A kicking back again; opposition; repugnance; refractoriness.
- English Word Recall Definition To call back; to summon to return; as, to recall troops; to recall an ambassador.