RPage 23
- English Word Ramped Definition of Ramp
- English Word Rampier Definition See Rampart.
- English Word Ramping Definition of Ramp
- English Word Rampion Definition A plant (Campanula Rapunculus) of the Bellflower family, with a tuberous esculent root; -- also called ramps.
- English Word Rampire Definition A rampart.
- English Word Rampire Definition To fortify with a rampire; to form into a rampire.
- English Word Rampler Definition A rambler.
- English Word Rampler Definition Roving; rambling.
- English Word Ramrod Definition The rod used in ramming home the charge in a muzzle-loading firearm.
- English Word Ramshackle Definition Loose; disjointed; falling to pieces; out of repair.
- English Word Ramshackle Definition To search or ransack; to rummage.
- English Word Ramson Definition A broad-leaved species of garlic (Allium ursinum), common in European gardens; -- called also buckram.
- English Word Ramsted Definition A yellow-flowered weed; -- so named from a Mr. Ramsted who introduced it into Pennsylvania. See Toad flax. Called also Ramsted weed.
- English Word Ramuli Definition of Ramulus
- English Word Ramulose Definition Having many small branches, or ramuli.
- English Word Ramulous Definition Ramulose.
- English Word Ramulus Definition A small branch, or branchlet, of corals, hydroids, and similar organisms.
- English Word Ramus Definition A branch; a projecting part or prominent process; a ramification.
- English Word Ramuscule Definition A small ramus, or branch.
- English Word Ran Definition imp. of Run.
- English Word Ran Definition Open robbery.
- English Word Ran Definition Yarns coiled on a spun-yarn winch.
- English Word Ran Definition of Run
- English Word Rana Definition A genus of anurous batrachians, including the common frogs.
- English Word Ranal Definition Having a general affinity to ranunculaceous plants.
- English Word Rance Definition A prop or shore.
- English Word Rance Definition A round between the legs of a chair.
- English Word Rancescent Definition Becoming rancid or sour.
- English Word Ranch Definition To wrench; to tear; to sprain; to injure by violent straining or contortion.
- English Word Ranch Definition A tract of land used for grazing and the rearing of horses, cattle, or sheep. See Rancho, 2.