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- English Word Rhythmless Definition Being without rhythm.
- English Word Rhythmometer Definition An instrument for marking time in musical movements. See Metronome.
- English Word Rhythmus Definition Rhythm.
- English Word Rhytina Definition See Rytina.
- English Word Rial Definition A Spanish coin. See Real.
- English Word Rial Definition Royal.
- English Word Rial Definition A gold coin formerly current in England, of the value of ten shillings sterling in the reign of Henry VI., and of fifteen shillings in the reign of Elizabeth.
- English Word Riant Definition Laughing; laughable; exciting gayety; gay; merry; delightful to the view, as a landscape.
- English Word Rib Definition One of the curved bones attached to the vertebral column and supporting the lateral walls of the thorax.
- English Word Rib Definition That which resembles a rib in form or use.
- English Word Rib Definition One of the timbers, or bars of iron or steel, that branch outward and upward from the keel, to support the skin or planking, and give shape and strength to the vessel.
- English Word Rib Definition A ridge, fin, or wing, as on a plate, cylinder, beam, etc., to strengthen or stiffen it.
- English Word Rib Definition One of the rods on which the cover of an umbrella is extended.
- English Word Rib Definition A prominent line or ridge, as in cloth.
- English Word Rib Definition A longitudinal strip of metal uniting the barrels of a double-barreled gun.
- English Word Rib Definition The chief nerve, or one of the chief nerves, of a leaf.
- English Word Rib Definition Any longitudinal ridge in a plant.
- English Word Rib Definition In Gothic vaulting, one of the primary members of the vault. These are strong arches, meeting and crossing one another, dividing the whole space into triangles, which are then filled by vaulted construction of lighter material. Hence, an imitation of one of these in wood, plaster, or the like.
- English Word Rib Definition A projecting mold, or group of moldings, forming with others a pattern, as on a ceiling, ornamental door, or the like.
- English Word Rib Definition Solid coal on the side of a gallery; solid ore in a vein.
- English Word Rib Definition An elongated pillar of ore or coal left as a support.
- English Word Rib Definition A wife; -- in allusion to Eve, as made out of Adam's rib.
- English Word Rib Definition To furnish with ribs; to form with rising lines and channels; as, to rib cloth.
- English Word Rib Definition To inclose, as with ribs, and protect; to shut in.
- English Word Ribald Definition A low, vulgar, brutal, foul-mouthed wretch; a lewd fellow.
- English Word Ribald Definition Low; base; mean; filthy; obscene.
- English Word Ribaldish Definition Like a ribald.
- English Word Ribaldrous Definition Of a ribald quality.
- English Word Ribaldry Definition The talk of a ribald; low, vulgar language; indecency; obscenity; lewdness; -- now chiefly applied to indecent language, but formerly, as by Chaucer, also to indecent acts or conduct.
- English Word Riban Definition See Ribbon.