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- English Word Rhesus Definition A monkey; the bhunder.
- English Word Rhetian Definition Pertaining to the ancient Rhaeti, or Rhaetians, or to Rhaetia, their country; as, the Rhetian Alps, now the country of Tyrol and the Grisons.
- English Word Rhetic Definition Same as Rhaetic.
- English Word Rhetizite Definition Same as Rhaetizite.
- English Word Rhetor Definition A rhetorician.
- English Word Rhetoric Definition The art of composition; especially, elegant composition in prose.
- English Word Rhetoric Definition Oratory; the art of speaking with propriety, elegance, and force.
- English Word Rhetoric Definition Hence, artificial eloquence; fine language or declamation without conviction or earnest feeling.
- English Word Rhetoric Definition Fig. : The power of persuasion or attraction; that which allures or charms.
- English Word Rhetorical Definition Of or pertaining to rhetoric; according to, or exhibiting, rhetoric; oratorical; as, the rhetorical art; a rhetorical treatise; a rhetorical flourish.
- English Word Rhetoricate Definition To play the orator.
- English Word Rhetorication Definition Rhetorical amplification.
- English Word Rhetorician Definition One well versed in the rules and principles of rhetoric.
- English Word Rhetorician Definition A teacher of rhetoric.
- English Word Rhetorician Definition An orator; specifically, an artificial orator without genuine eloquence; a declaimer.
- English Word Rhetorician Definition Suitable to a master of rhetoric.
- English Word Rhetorize Definition To play the orator.
- English Word Rhetorize Definition To represent by a figure of rhetoric, or by personification.
- English Word Rhetorized Definition of Rhetorize
- English Word Rhetorizing Definition of Rhetorize
- English Word Rheum Definition A genus of plants. See Rhubarb.
- English Word Rheum Definition A serous or mucous discharge, especially one from the eves or nose.
- English Word Rheumatic Definition Derived from, or having the character of, rheum; rheumic.
- English Word Rheumatic Definition Of or pertaining to rheumatism; as, rheumatic pains or affections; affected with rheumatism; as, a rheumatic old man; causing rheumatism; as, a rheumatic day.
- English Word Rheumatic Definition One affected with rheumatism.
- English Word Rheumatism Definition A general disease characterized by painful, often multiple, local inflammations, usually affecting the joints and muscles, but also extending sometimes to the deeper organs, as the heart.
- English Word Rheumatismal Definition Of or pertaining to rheumatism.
- English Word Rheumatismoid Definition Of or resembling rheum or rheumatism.
- English Word Rheumic Definition Pertaining to, or characterized by, rheum.
- English Word Rheumides Definition The class of skin disease developed by the dartrous diathesis. See under Dartrous.