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- English Word Restraint Definition The state of being restrained.
- English Word Restraint Definition That which restrains, as a law, a prohibition, or the like; limitation; restriction.
- English Word Restrengthen Definition To strengthen again; to fortify anew.
- English Word Restrict Definition Restricted.
- English Word Restrict Definition To restrain within bounds; to limit; to confine; as, to restrict worlds to a particular meaning; to restrict a patient to a certain diet.
- English Word Restricted Definition of Restrict
- English Word Restricting Definition of Restrict
- English Word Restriction Definition The act of restricting, or state of being restricted; confinement within limits or bounds.
- English Word Restriction Definition That which restricts; limitation; restraint; as, restrictions on trade.
- English Word Restrictionary Definition Restrictive.
- English Word Restrictive Definition Serving or tending to restrict; limiting; as, a restrictive particle; restrictive laws of trade.
- English Word Restrictive Definition Astringent or styptic in effect.
- English Word Restringe Definition To confine; to contract; to stringe.
- English Word Restringed Definition of Restringe
- English Word Restringency Definition Quality or state of being restringent; astringency.
- English Word Restringent Definition Restringing; astringent; styptic.
- English Word Restringent Definition A restringent medicine.
- English Word Restringing Definition of Restringe
- English Word Restrive Definition To strive anew.
- English Word Resty Definition Disposed to rest; indisposed toexercton; sluggish; also, restive.
- English Word Resubjection Definition A second subjection.
- English Word Resublime Definition To sublime again.
- English Word Resudation Definition Act of sweating again.
- English Word Result Definition To leap back; to rebound.
- English Word Result Definition To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil.
- English Word Result Definition To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor.
- English Word Result Definition A flying back; resilience.
- English Word Result Definition That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation.
- English Word Result Definition The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.
- English Word Resultance Definition The act of resulting; that which results; a result.