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- English Word Repartee Definition To make smart and witty replies.
- English Word Reparteed Definition of Repartee
- English Word Reparteeing Definition of Repartee
- English Word Repartimiento Definition A partition or distribution, especially of slaves; also, an assessment of taxes.
- English Word Repartotion Definition Another, or an additional, separation into parts.
- English Word Repass Definition To pass again; to pass or travel over in the opposite direction; to pass a second time; as, to repass a bridge or a river; to repass the sea.
- English Word Repass Definition To pass or go back; to move back; as, troops passing and repassing before our eyes.
- English Word Repassage Definition The act of repassing; passage back.
- English Word Repassant Definition Counterpassant.
- English Word Repast Definition The act of taking food.
- English Word Repast Definition That which is taken as food; a meal; figuratively, any refreshment.
- English Word Repast Definition To supply food to; to feast; to take food.
- English Word Repaster Definition One who takes a repast.
- English Word Repasture Definition Food; entertainment.
- English Word Repatriate Definition To restore to one's own country.
- English Word Repatriation Definition Restoration to one's country.
- English Word Repay Definition To pay back; to refund; as, to repay money borrowed or advanced.
- English Word Repay Definition To make return or requital for; to recompense; -- in a good or bad sense; as, to repay kindness; to repay an injury.
- English Word Repay Definition To pay anew, or a second time, as a debt.
- English Word Repayable Definition Capable of being, or proper to be , repaid; due; as, a loan repayable in ten days; services repayable in kind.
- English Word Repaying Definition of Repay
- English Word Repayment Definition The act of repaying; reimbursement.
- English Word Repayment Definition The money or other thing repaid.
- English Word Repeal Definition To recall; to summon again, as persons.
- English Word Repeal Definition To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the legislature; as, to repeal a law.
- English Word Repeal Definition To suppress; to repel.
- English Word Repeal Definition Recall, as from exile.
- English Word Repeal Definition Revocation; abrogation; as, the repeal of a statute; the repeal of a law or a usage.
- English Word Repealability Definition The quality or state of being repealable.
- English Word Repealable Definition Capable of being repealed.