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- English Word Quintan Definition Occurring as the fifth, after four others also, occurring every fifth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quintan fever.
- English Word Quintan Definition An intermittent fever which returns every fifth day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts three days.
- English Word Quintel Definition See Quintain.
- English Word Quintessence Definition The fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. See Ferment oils, under Ferment.
- English Word Quintessence Definition Hence: An extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence.
- English Word Quintessence Definition To distil or extract as a quintessence; to reduce to a quintessence.
- English Word Quintessential Definition Of the nature of a quintessence; purest.
- English Word Quintet Definition Alt. of Quintette
- English Word Quintette Definition A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five persons who sing or play five-part music.
- English Word Quintic Definition Of the fifth degree or order.
- English Word Quintic Definition A quantic of the fifth degree. See Quantic.
- English Word Quintile Definition The aspect of planets when separated the fifth part of the zodiac, or 72¡.
- English Word Quintilllion Definition According to the French notation, which is used on the Continent and in America, the cube of a million, or a unit with eighteen ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, a number produced by involving a million to the fifth power, or a unit with thirty ciphers annexed. See the Note under Numeration.
- English Word Quintin Definition See Quintain.
- English Word Quintine Definition The embryonic sac of an ovule, sometimes regarded as an innermost fifth integument. Cf. Quartine, and Tercine.
- English Word Quintole Definition A group of five notes to be played or sung in the time of four of the same species.
- English Word Quintuple Definition Multiplied by five; increased to five times the amount; fivefold.
- English Word Quintuple Definition To make fivefold, or five times as much or many.
- English Word Quintuple-ribbed Definition The same as Quinquenerved.
- English Word Quintupled Definition of Quintuple
- English Word Quintupling Definition of Quintuple
- English Word Quinzaine Definition The fifteenth day after a feast day, including both in the reckoning.
- English Word Quinze Definition A game at cards in which the object is to make fifteen points.
- English Word Quip Definition A smart, sarcastic turn or jest; a taunt; a severe retort; a gibe.
- English Word Quip Definition To taunt; to treat with quips.
- English Word Quip Definition To scoff; to use taunts.
- English Word Quipo Definition Same as Quipu.
- English Word Quipped Definition of Quip
- English Word Quipping Definition of Quip
- English Word Quipu Definition A contrivance employed by the ancient Peruvians, Mexicans, etc., as a substitute for writing and figures, consisting of a main cord, from which hung at certain distances smaller cords of various colors, each having a special meaning, as silver, gold, corn, soldiers. etc. Single, double, and triple knots were tied in the smaller cords, representing definite numbers. It was chiefly used for arithmetical purposes, and to register important facts and events.