QPage 26
- English Word Quill Definition One of the large feathers of a bird's wing, or one of the rectrices of the tail; also, the stock of such a feather.
- English Word Quill Definition A pen for writing made by sharpening and splitting the point or nib of the stock of a feather; as, history is the proper subject of his quill.
- English Word Quill Definition A spine of the hedgehog or porcupine.
- English Word Quill Definition The pen of a squid. See Pen.
- English Word Quill Definition The plectrum with which musicians strike the strings of certain instruments.
- English Word Quill Definition The tube of a musical instrument.
- English Word Quill Definition Something having the form of a quill
- English Word Quill Definition The fold or plain of a ruff.
- English Word Quill Definition A spindle, or spool, as of reed or wood, upon which the thread for the woof is wound in a shuttle.
- English Word Quill Definition A hollow spindle.
- English Word Quill Definition To plaint in small cylindrical ridges, called quillings; as, to quill a ruffle.
- English Word Quill Definition To wind on a quill, as thread or yarn.
- English Word Quillaia bark Definition The bark of a rosaceous tree (Quillaja Saponaria), native of Chili. The bark is finely laminated, and very heavy with alkaline substances, and is used commonly by the Chilians instead of soap. Also called soap bark.
- English Word Quillback Definition An American fresh-water fish (Ictiobus, / Carpiodes, cyprinus); -- called also carp sucker, sailfish, spearfish, and skimback.
- English Word Quilled Definition of Quill
- English Word Quilled Definition Furnished with quills; also, shaped like quills.
- English Word Quillet Definition Subtilty; nicety; quibble.
- English Word Quilling Definition of Quill
- English Word Quilling Definition A band of linen, muslin, or the like, fluted, folded, or plaited so as somewhat to resemble a row of quills.
- English Word Quilling Definition One of the rounded plaits or flutings of such a band.
- English Word Quillwort Definition Any plant or species of the genus Isoetes, cryptogamous plants with a cluster of elongated four-tubed rushlike leaves, rising from a corm, and containing spores in their enlarged and excavated bases. There are about seventeen American species, usually growing in the mud under still, shallow water. So called from the shape of the shape of the leaves.
- English Word Quilt Definition Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc., between two cloths and stitching them together; also, any outer bed cover.
- English Word Quilt Definition To stitch or sew together at frequent intervals, in order to confine in place the several layers of cloth and wadding of which a garment, comforter, etc., may be made; as, to quilt a coat.
- English Word Quilt Definition To wad, as a garment, with warm soft material.
- English Word Quilt Definition To stitch or sew in lines or patterns.
- English Word Quilted Definition of Quilt
- English Word Quilter Definition One who, or that which, quilts.
- English Word Quilting Definition of Quilt
- English Word Quilting Definition The act of stitching or running in patterns, as in making a quilt.
- English Word Quilting Definition A quilting bee. See Bee, 2.