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  • English Word Pseudobranchiae Definition of Pseudobranchia
  • English Word Pseudocarp Definition That portion of an anthocarpous fruit which is not derived from the ovary, as the soft part of a strawberry or of a fig.
  • English Word Pseudocoele Definition Same as Pseudocoelia.
  • English Word Pseudocoelia Definition The fifth ventricle in the mammalian brain. See Ventricle.
  • English Word Pseudodox Definition Not true in opinion or doctrine; false.
  • English Word Pseudodox Definition A false opinion or doctrine.
  • English Word Pseudofilari/ Definition of Pseudofilaria
  • English Word Pseudofilaria Definition One of the two elongated vibratile young formed by fission of the embryo during the development of certain Gregarinae.
  • English Word Pseudograph Definition A false writing; a spurious document; a forgery.
  • English Word Pseudography Definition False writing; forgery.
  • English Word Pseudohalter Definition One of the rudimentary front wings of certain insects (Stylops). They resemble the halteres, or rudimentary hind wings, of Diptera.
  • English Word Pseudohalteres Definition of Pseudohalter
  • English Word Pseudologist Definition One who utters falsehoods; a liar.
  • English Word Pseudology Definition Falsehood of speech.
  • English Word Pseudomorph Definition An irregular or deceptive form.
  • English Word Pseudomorph Definition A pseudomorphous crystal, as a crystal consisting of quartz, but having the cubic form of fluor spar, the fluor crystal having been changed to quartz by a process of substitution.
  • English Word Pseudomorphism Definition The state of having, or the property of taking, a crystalline form unlike that which belongs to the species.
  • English Word Pseudomorphous Definition Not having the true form.
  • English Word Pseudonavicella Definition Same as Pseudonavicula.
  • English Word Pseudonavicula Definition One of the minute spindle-shaped embryos of Gregarinae and some other Protozoa.
  • English Word Pseudonaviculae Definition of Pseudonavicula
  • English Word Pseudonavicullae Definition of Pseudonavicella
  • English Word Pseudoneuroptera Definition division of insects (Zool.) reticulated wings, as in the Neuroptera, but having an active pupa state. It includes the dragon flies, May flies, white ants, etc. By some zoologists they are classed with the Orthoptera; by others, with the Neuroptera.
  • English Word Pseudoneuropterous Definition Of or pertaining to the Pseudoneuroptera.
  • English Word Pseudonumity Definition The using of fictitious names, as by authors.
  • English Word Pseudonym Definition A fictitious name assumed for the time, as by an author; a pen name.
  • English Word Pseudonymous Definition Bearing a false or fictitious name; as, a pseudonymous work.
  • English Word Pseudopod Definition Any protoplasmic filament or irregular process projecting from any unicellular organism, or from any animal or plant call.
  • English Word Pseudopod Definition A rhizopod.
  • English Word Pseudopodia Definition of Pseudopodium