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  • English Word Protracted Definition Prolonged; continued.
  • English Word Protracter Definition A protractor.
  • English Word Protractile Definition Capable of being protracted, or protruded; protrusile.
  • English Word Protracting Definition of Protract
  • English Word Protraction Definition A drawing out, or continuing; the act of delaying the termination of a thing; prolongation; continuance; delay; as, the protraction of a debate.
  • English Word Protraction Definition The act or process of making a plot on paper.
  • English Word Protraction Definition A plot on paper.
  • English Word Protractive Definition Drawing out or lengthening in time; prolonging; continuing; delaying.
  • English Word Protractor Definition One who, or that which, protracts, or causes protraction.
  • English Word Protractor Definition A mathematical instrument for laying down and measuring angles on paper, used in drawing or in plotting. It is of various forms, semicircular, rectangular, or circular.
  • English Word Protractor Definition An instrument formerly used in extracting foreign or offensive matter from a wound.
  • English Word Protractor Definition A muscle which extends an organ or part; -- opposed to retractor.
  • English Word Protractor Definition An adjustable pattern used by tailors.
  • English Word Protreptical Definition Adapted to persuade; hortatory; persuasive.
  • English Word Protrudable Definition That may be protruded; protrusile.
  • English Word Protrude Definition To thrust forward; to drive or force along.
  • English Word Protrude Definition To thrust out, as through a narrow orifice or from confinement; to cause to come forth.
  • English Word Protrude Definition To shoot out or forth; to be thrust forward; to extend beyond a limit; to project.
  • English Word Protruded Definition of Protrude
  • English Word Protruding Definition of Protrude
  • English Word Protrusile Definition Capable of being protruded or thrust out; protractile; protrusive.
  • English Word Protrusion Definition The act of protruding or thrusting forward, or beyond the usual limit.
  • English Word Protrusion Definition The state of being protruded, or thrust forward.
  • English Word Protrusive Definition Thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
  • English Word Protrusive Definition Capable of being protruded; protrusile.
  • English Word Protrusively Definition In a protrusive manner.
  • English Word Protuberance Definition That which is protuberant swelled or pushed beyond the surrounding or adjacent surface; a swelling or tumor on the body; a prominence; a bunch or knob; an elevation.
  • English Word Protuberancy Definition The quality or state of being protuberant; protuberance; prominence.
  • English Word Protuberant Definition Prominent, or excessively prominent; bulging beyond the surrounding or adjacent surface; swelling; as, a protuberant joint; a protuberant eye.
  • English Word Protuberate Definition To swell, or be prominent, beyond the adjacent surface; to bulge out.