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  • English Word Prothallus Definition The minute primary growth from the spore of ferns and other Pteridophyta, which bears the true sexual organs; the oophoric generation of ferns, etc.
  • English Word Prothesis Definition A credence table; -- so called by the Eastern or Greek Church.
  • English Word Prothesis Definition See Prosthesis.
  • English Word Prothetic Definition Of or pertaining to prothesis; as, a prothetic apparatus.
  • English Word Prothonotary Definition Alt. of Protonotary
  • English Word Prothonotaryship Definition Office of a prothonotary.
  • English Word Prothoracic Definition Of or pertaining to the prothorax.
  • English Word Prothorax Definition The first or anterior segment of the thorax in insects. See Illusts. of Butterfly and Coleoptera.
  • English Word Prothyalosomata Definition of Pro thyalosoma
  • English Word Prothyalosome Definition Same as Prothyalosoma.
  • English Word Protist Definition One of the Protista.
  • English Word Protista Definition A provisional group in which are placed a number of low microscopic organisms of doubtful nature. Some are probably plants, others animals.
  • English Word Protista Definition of Protiston
  • English Word Protiston Definition One of the Protista.
  • English Word Proto- Definition A combining form prefix signifying first, primary, primordial; as, protomartyr, the first martyr; protomorphic, primitive in form; protoplast, a primordial organism; prototype, protozoan.
  • English Word Proto- Definition Denoting the first or lowest of a series, or the one having the smallest amount of the element to the name of which it is prefixed; as protoxide, protochloride, etc.
  • English Word Proto- Definition Sometimes used as equivalent to mono-, as indicating that the compound has but one atom of the element to the name of which it is prefixed. Also used adjectively.
  • English Word Proto-Doric Definition Pertaining to, or designating, architecture, in which the beginnings of the Doric style are supposed to be found.
  • English Word Protocanonical Definition Of or pertaining to the first canon, or that which contains the authorized collection of the books of Scripture; -- opposed to deutero-canonical.
  • English Word Protocatechuic Definition Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an organic acid which is obtained as a white crystalline substance from catechin, asafetida, oil of cloves, etc., and by distillation itself yields pyrocatechin.
  • English Word Protocercal Definition Having a caudal fin extending around the end of the vertebral column, like that which is first formed in the embryo of fishes; diphycercal.
  • English Word Protococcus Definition A genus of minute unicellular algae including the red snow plant (Protococcus nivalis).
  • English Word Protocol Definition The original copy of any writing, as of a deed, treaty, dispatch, or other instrument.
  • English Word Protocol Definition The minutes, or rough draught, of an instrument or transaction.
  • English Word Protocol Definition A preliminary document upon the basis of which negotiations are carried on.
  • English Word Protocol Definition A convention not formally ratified.
  • English Word Protocol Definition An agreement of diplomatists indicating the results reached by them at a particular stage of a negotiation.
  • English Word Protocol Definition To make a protocol of.
  • English Word Protocol Definition To make or write protocols, or first draughts; to issue protocols.
  • English Word Protocolist Definition One who draughts protocols.