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  • English Word Protoconch Definition The embryonic shell, or first chamber, of ammonites and other cephalopods.
  • English Word Protogine Definition A kind of granite or gneiss containing a silvery talcose mineral.
  • English Word Protogynous Definition Same as Proterogynous.
  • English Word Protohippus Definition A genus of fossil horses from the Lower Pliocene. They had three toes on each foot, the lateral ones being small.
  • English Word Protomartyr Definition The first martyr; the first who suffers, or is sacrificed, in any cause; -- applied esp. to Stephen, the first Christian martyr.
  • English Word Protomerite Definition The second segment of one of the Gregarinae.
  • English Word Protomorphic Definition Having the most primitive character; in the earliest form; as, a protomorphic layer of tissue.
  • English Word Protonema Definition The primary growth from the spore of a moss, usually consisting of branching confervoid filaments, on any part of which stem and leaf buds may be developed.
  • English Word Protonemata Definition of Protonema
  • English Word Protonotary Definition A chief notary or clerk.
  • English Word Protonotary Definition Formerly, a chief clerk in the Court of King's Bench and in the Court of Common Pleas, now superseded by the master.
  • English Word Protonotary Definition A register or chief clerk of a court in certain States of the United States.
  • English Word Protonotary Definition Formerly, one who had the charge of writing the acts of the martyrs, and the circumstances of their death; now, one of twelve persons, constituting a college in the Roman Curia, whose office is to register pontifical acts and to make and preserve the official record of beatifications.
  • English Word Protonotary Definition The chief secretary of the patriarch of Constantinople.
  • English Word Protonotary Definition Same as Prothonotary.
  • English Word Protoorganism Definition An organism whose nature is so difficult to determine that it might be referred to either the animal or the vegetable kingdom.
  • English Word Protopapas Definition A protopope.
  • English Word Protophyte Definition Any unicellular plant, or plant forming only a plasmodium, having reproduction only by fission, gemmation, or cell division.
  • English Word Protophytology Definition Paleobotany.
  • English Word Protopine Definition An alkaloid found in opium in small quantities, and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
  • English Word Protoplasm Definition The viscid and more or less granular material of vegetable and animal cells, possessed of vital properties by which the processes of nutrition, secretion, and growth go forward; the so-called " physical basis of life;" the original cell substance, cytoplasm, cytoblastema, bioplasm sarcode, etc.
  • English Word Protoplasmatic Definition Protoplasmic.
  • English Word Protoplasmic Definition Of or pertaining to the first formation of living bodies.
  • English Word Protoplasmic Definition Of or pertaining to protoplasm; consisting of, or resembling, protoplasm.
  • English Word Protoplast Definition The thing first formed; that of which there are subsequent copies or reproductions; the original.
  • English Word Protoplast Definition A first-formed organized body; the first individual, or pair of individuals, of a species.
  • English Word Protoplasta Definition A division of fresh-water rhizopods including those that have a soft body and delicate branched pseudopodia. The genus Gromia is one of the best-known.
  • English Word Protoplastic Definition First-formed.
  • English Word Protopodite Definition The basal portion, or two proximal and more or less consolidated segments, of an appendage of a crustacean.
  • English Word Protopope Definition One of the clergy of first rank in the lower order of secular clergy; an archpriest; -- called also protopapas.