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  • English Word Primary Definition A primary meeting; a caucus.
  • English Word Primary Definition One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing. See Plumage, and Illust. of Bird.
  • English Word Primary Definition A primary planet; the brighter component of a double star. See under Planet.
  • English Word Primate Definition The chief ecclesiastic in a national church; one who presides over other bishops in a province; an archbishop.
  • English Word Primate Definition One of the Primates.
  • English Word Primates Definition The highest order of mammals. It includes man, together with the apes and monkeys. Cf. Pitheci.
  • English Word Primateship Definition The office, dignity, or position of a primate; primacy.
  • English Word Primatial Definition Primatical.
  • English Word Primatical Definition Of or pertaining to a primate.
  • English Word Prime Definition First in order of time; original; primeval; primitive; primary.
  • English Word Prime Definition First in rank, degree, dignity, authority, or importance; as, prime minister.
  • English Word Prime Definition First in excellence; of highest quality; as, prime wheat; a prime quality of cloth.
  • English Word Prime Definition Early; blooming; being in the first stage.
  • English Word Prime Definition Lecherous; lustful; lewd.
  • English Word Prime Definition Marked or distinguished by a mark (') called a prime mark.
  • English Word Prime Definition The first part; the earliest stage; the beginning or opening, as of the day, the year, etc.; hence, the dawn; the spring.
  • English Word Prime Definition The spring of life; youth; hence, full health, strength, or beauty; perfection.
  • English Word Prime Definition That which is first in quantity; the most excellent portion; the best part.
  • English Word Prime Definition The morning; specifically (R. C. Ch.), the first canonical hour, succeeding to lauds.
  • English Word Prime Definition The first of the chief guards.
  • English Word Prime Definition Any number expressing the combining weight or equivalent of any particular element; -- so called because these numbers were respectively reduced to their lowest relative terms on the fixed standard of hydrogen as 1.
  • English Word Prime Definition A prime number. See under Prime, a.
  • English Word Prime Definition An inch, as composed of twelve seconds in the duodecimal system; -- denoted by [']. See 2d Inch, n., 1.
  • English Word Prime Definition To apply priming to, as a musket or a cannon; to apply a primer to, as a metallic cartridge.
  • English Word Prime Definition To lay the first color, coating, or preparation upon (a surface), as in painting; as, to prime a canvas, a wall.
  • English Word Prime Definition To prepare; to make ready; to instruct beforehand; to post; to coach; as, to prime a witness; the boys are primed for mischief.
  • English Word Prime Definition To trim or prune, as trees.
  • English Word Prime Definition To mark with a prime mark.
  • English Word Prime Definition To be renewed, or as at first.
  • English Word Prime Definition To serve as priming for the charge of a gun.