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  • English Word Ploughshare Definition The share of a plow, or that part which cuts the slice of earth or sod at the bottom of the furrow.
  • English Word Ploughtail Definition The hind part or handle of a plow.
  • English Word Ploughwright Definition One who makes or repairs plows.
  • English Word Plougland Definition Land that is plowed, or suitable for tillage.
  • English Word Plougland Definition the quantity of land allotted for the work of one plow; a hide.
  • English Word Plover Definition Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds belonging to the family Charadridae, and especially those belonging to the subfamily Charadrinsae. They are prized as game birds.
  • English Word Plover Definition Any grallatorial bird allied to, or resembling, the true plovers, as the crab plover (Dromas ardeola); the American upland, plover (Bartramia longicauda); and other species of sandpipers.
  • English Word Plow Definition Alt. of Plough
  • English Word Plow Definition Alt. of Plough
  • English Word Plow Definition Alt. of Plough
  • English Word Plowable Definition Alt. of Ploughable
  • English Word Plowbote Definition Alt. of Ploughbote
  • English Word Plowboy Definition Alt. of Ploughboy
  • English Word Plowed Definition of Plough
  • English Word Plower Definition Alt. of Plougher
  • English Word Plowfoot Definition Alt. of Ploughfoot
  • English Word Plowgang Definition Alt. of Ploughgang
  • English Word Plowgate Definition Alt. of Ploughgate
  • English Word Plowhead Definition Alt. of Ploughhead
  • English Word Plowing Definition of Plough
  • English Word Plowland Definition Alt. of Plougland
  • English Word Plowman Definition Alt. of Ploughman
  • English Word Plowpoint Definition Alt. of Ploughpoint
  • English Word Plowshare Definition Alt. of Ploughshare
  • English Word Plowtail Definition Alt. of Ploughtail
  • English Word Plowwright Definition Alt. of Ploughwright
  • English Word Ploy Definition Sport; frolic.
  • English Word Ploy Definition To form a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; -- the opposite of deploy.
  • English Word Ployment Definition The act or movement of forming a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; -- the opposite of deployment.
  • English Word Pluck Definition To pull; to draw.