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  • English Word Obelisking Definition of Obelisk
  • English Word Obelize Definition To designate with an obelus; to mark as doubtful or spirituous.
  • English Word Obelized Definition of Obelize
  • English Word Obelizing Definition of Obelize
  • English Word Obelus Definition A mark [thus /, or Ö ]; -- so called as resembling a needle. In old MSS. or editions of the classics, it marks suspected passages or readings.
  • English Word Obequitate Definition To ride about.
  • English Word Oberon Definition The king of the fairies, and husband of Titania or Queen Mab.
  • English Word Oberration Definition A wandering about.
  • English Word Obese Definition Excessively corpulent; fat; fleshy.
  • English Word Obeseness Definition Quality of being obese; obesity.
  • English Word Obesity Definition The state or quality of being obese; incumbrance of flesh.
  • English Word Obey Definition To give obedience.
  • English Word Obey Definition To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by.
  • English Word Obey Definition To yield to the impulse, power, or operation of; as, a ship obeys her helm.
  • English Word Obey Definition To give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to; to comply with the orders of.
  • English Word Obeyed Definition of Obey
  • English Word Obeyer Definition One who yields obedience.
  • English Word Obeying Definition of Obey
  • English Word Obeyingly Definition Obediently; submissively.
  • English Word Obfirm Definition Alt. of Obfirmate
  • English Word Obfirmate Definition To make firm; to harden in resolution.
  • English Word Obfirmation Definition Hardness of heart; obduracy.
  • English Word Obfuscate Definition Obfuscated; darkened; obscured.
  • English Word Obfuscate Definition To darken; to obscure; to becloud; hence, to confuse; to bewilder.
  • English Word Obfuscated Definition of Obfuscate
  • English Word Obfuscating Definition of Obfuscate
  • English Word Obfuscation Definition The act of darkening or bewildering; the state of being darkened.
  • English Word Obi Definition A charm or fetich.
  • English Word Obi Definition A species of sorcery, probably of African origin, practiced among the negroes of the West Indies.
  • English Word Obimbricate Definition Imbricated, with the overlapping ends directed downward.