HPage 75
- English Word Hellenist Definition One who affiliates with Greeks, or imitates Greek manners; esp., a person of Jewish extraction who used the Greek language as his mother tongue, as did the Jews of Asia Minor, Greece, Syria, and Egypt; distinguished from the Hebraists, or native Jews (Acts vi. 1).
- English Word Hellenist Definition One skilled in the Greek language and literature; as, the critical Hellenist.
- English Word Hellenistic Definition Alt. of Hellenistical
- English Word Hellenistical Definition Pertaining to the Hellenists.
- English Word Hellenistically Definition According to the Hellenistic manner or dialect.
- English Word Hellenize Definition To use the Greek language; to play the Greek; to Grecize.
- English Word Hellenize Definition To give a Greek form or character to; to Grecize; as, to Hellenize a word.
- English Word Hellenotype Definition See Ivorytype.
- English Word Hellespont Definition A narrow strait between Europe and Asia, now called the Daradanelles. It connects the Aegean Sea and the sea of Marmora.
- English Word Hellespontine Definition Of or pertaining to the Hellespont.
- English Word Hellgamite Definition Alt. of Hellgramite
- English Word Hellgramite Definition The aquatic larva of a large American winged insect (Corydalus cornutus), much used a fish bait by anglers; the dobson. It belongs to the Neuroptera.
- English Word Hellhag Definition A hag of or fit for hell.
- English Word Hellhound Definition A dog of hell; an agent of hell.
- English Word Hellier Definition One who heles or covers; hence, a tiler, slater, or thatcher.
- English Word Hellish Definition Of or pertaining to hell; like hell; infernal; malignant; wicked; detestable; diabolical.
- English Word Hellkite Definition A kite of infernal breed.
- English Word Hello Definition See Halloo.
- English Word Hellward Definition Toward hell.
- English Word Helly Definition Hellish.
- English Word Helm Definition See Haulm, straw.
- English Word Helm Definition The apparatus by which a ship is steered, comprising rudder, tiller, wheel, etc.; -- commonly used of the tiller or wheel alone.
- English Word Helm Definition The place or office of direction or administration.
- English Word Helm Definition One at the place of direction or control; a steersman; hence, a guide; a director.
- English Word Helm Definition A helve.
- English Word Helm Definition To steer; to guide; to direct.
- English Word Helm Definition A helmet.
- English Word Helm Definition A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain.
- English Word Helm Definition To cover or furnish with a helm or helmet.
- English Word Helmage Definition Guidance; direction.