EPage 77
- English Word Employ Definition To have or keep at work; to give employment or occupation to; to intrust with some duty or behest; as, to employ a hundred workmen; to employ an envoy.
- English Word Employ Definition That which engages or occupies a person; fixed or regular service or business; employment.
- English Word Employable Definition Capable of being employed; capable of being used; fit or proper for use.
- English Word Employe Definition One employed by another; a clerk or workman in the service of an employer.
- English Word Employed Definition of Employ
- English Word Employee Definition One employed by another.
- English Word Employer Definition One who employs another; as, an employer of workmen.
- English Word Employing Definition of Employ
- English Word Employment Definition The act of employing or using; also, the state of being employed.
- English Word Employment Definition That which engages or occupies; that which consumes time or attention; office or post of business; service; as, agricultural employments; mechanical employments; public employments; in the employment of government.
- English Word Emplumed Definition Plumed.
- English Word Emplunge Definition To plunge; to implunge.
- English Word Empoison Definition To poison; to impoison.
- English Word Empoison Definition Poison.
- English Word Empoisoner Definition Poisoner.
- English Word Empoisonment Definition The act of poisoning.
- English Word Emporetic Definition Alt. of Emporetical
- English Word Emporetical Definition Pertaining to an emporium; relating to merchandise.
- English Word Emporia Definition of Emporium
- English Word Emporium Definition A place of trade; a market place; a mart; esp., a city or town with extensive commerce; the commercial center of a country.
- English Word Emporium Definition The brain.
- English Word Emporiums Definition of Emporium
- English Word Empoverish Definition See Impoverish.
- English Word Empower Definition To give authority to; to delegate power to; to commission; to authorize (having commonly a legal force); as, the Supreme Court is empowered to try and decide cases, civil or criminal; the attorney is empowered to sign an acquittance, and discharge the debtor.
- English Word Empower Definition To give moral or physical power, faculties, or abilities to.
- English Word Empowered Definition of Empower
- English Word Empowering Definition of Empower
- English Word Empress Definition The consort of an emperor.
- English Word Empress Definition A female sovereign.
- English Word Empress Definition A sovereign mistress.