EPage 169
- English Word Essentiality Definition The quality of being essential; the essential part.
- English Word Essentiate Definition To form or constitute the essence or being of.
- English Word Essentiate Definition To become assimilated; to be changed into the essence.
- English Word Essentiated Definition of Essentiate
- English Word Essentiating Definition of Essentiate
- English Word Essoign Definition An excuse for not appearing in court at the return of process; the allegation of an excuse to the court.
- English Word Essoign Definition Excuse; exemption.
- English Word Essoin Definition Alt. of Essoign
- English Word Essoin Definition To excuse for nonappearance in court.
- English Word Essoiner Definition An attorney who sufficiently excuses the absence of another.
- English Word Essonite Definition Cinnamon stone, a variety of garnet. See Garnet.
- English Word Essorant Definition Standing, but with the wings spread, as if about to fly; -- said of a bird borne as a charge on an escutcheon.
- English Word Est Definition East.
- English Word Establish Definition To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm.
- English Word Establish Definition To appoint or constitute for permanence, as officers, laws, regulations, etc.; to enact; to ordain.
- English Word Establish Definition To originate and secure the permanent existence of; to found; to institute; to create and regulate; -- said of a colony, a state, or other institutions.
- English Word Establish Definition To secure public recognition in favor of; to prove and cause to be accepted as true; as, to establish a fact, usage, principle, opinion, doctrine, etc.
- English Word Establish Definition To set up in business; to place advantageously in a fixed condition; -- used reflexively; as, he established himself in a place; the enemy established themselves in the citadel.
- English Word Established Definition of Establish
- English Word Establisher Definition One who establishes.
- English Word Establishing Definition of Establish
- English Word Establishment Definition The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.
- English Word Establishment Definition The state of being established, founded, and the like; fixed state.
- English Word Establishment Definition That which is established; as: (a) A form of government, civil or ecclesiastical; especially, a system of religion maintained by the civil power; as, the Episcopal establishment of England. (b) A permanent civil, military, or commercial, force or organization. (c) The place in which one is permanently fixed for residence or business; residence, including grounds, furniture, equipage, etc.; with which one is fitted out; also, any office or place of business, with its fixtures; that which serves for the carrying on of a business; as, to keep up a large establishment; a manufacturing establishment.
- English Word Establishmentarian Definition One who regards the Church primarily as an establishment formed by the State, and overlooks its intrinsic spiritual character.
- English Word Estacade Definition A dike of piles in the sea, a river, etc., to check the approach of an enemy.
- English Word Estafet Definition Alt. of Estafette
- English Word Estafette Definition A courier who conveys messages to another courier; a military courier sent from one part of an army to another.
- English Word Estancia Definition A grazing; a country house.
- English Word Estate Definition Settled condition or form of existence; state; condition or circumstances of life or of any person; situation.