EPage 166
- English Word Esopian Definition Alt. of Esopic
- English Word Esopian Definition Of or pertaining to Aesop, or in his manner.
- English Word Esopic Definition Same as Aesopian.
- English Word Esopic Definition Same as Aesopian, Aesopic.
- English Word Esoteric Definition Designed for, and understood by, the specially initiated alone; not communicated, or not intelligible, to the general body of followers; private; interior; acroamatic; -- said of the private and more recondite instructions and doctrines of philosophers. Opposed to exoteric.
- English Word Esoterical Definition Esoteric.
- English Word Esoterically Definition In an esoteric manner.
- English Word Esotericism Definition Esoteric doctrine or principles.
- English Word Esoterics Definition Mysterious or hidden doctrines; secret science.
- English Word Esotery Definition Mystery; esoterics; -- opposed to exotery.
- English Word Esox Definition A genus of fresh-water fishes, including pike and pickerel.
- English Word Espace Definition Space.
- English Word Espadon Definition A long, heavy, two-handed and two-edged sword, formerly used by Spanish foot soldiers and by executioners.
- English Word Espalier Definition A railing or trellis upon which fruit trees or shrubs are trained, as upon a wall; a tree or row of trees so trained.
- English Word Espalier Definition To form an espalier of, or to protect by an espalier.
- English Word Espaliered Definition of Espalier
- English Word Espaliering Definition of Espalier
- English Word Esparcet Definition The common sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa), an Old World leguminous forage plant.
- English Word Esparto Definition A species of Spanish grass (Macrochloa tenacissima), of which cordage, shoes, baskets, etc., are made. It is also used for making paper.
- English Word Espauliere Definition A defense for the shoulder, composed of flexible overlapping plates of metal, used in the 15th century; -- the origin of the modern epaulette.
- English Word Especial Definition Distinguished among others of the same class or kind; special; concerning a species or a single object; principal; particular; as, in an especial manner or degree.
- English Word Especially Definition In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.
- English Word Especialness Definition The state of being especial.
- English Word Esperance Definition Hope.
- English Word Espiaille Definition Espial.
- English Word Espial Definition The act of espying; notice; discovery.
- English Word Espial Definition One who espies; a spy; a scout.
- English Word Espied Definition of Espy
- English Word Espier Definition One who espies.
- English Word Espies Definition of Espy