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- English Word Espinel Definition A kind of ruby. See Spinel.
- English Word Espionage Definition The practice or employment of spies; the practice of watching the words and conduct of others, to make discoveries, as spies or secret emissaries; secret watching.
- English Word Esplanade Definition A clear space between a citadel and the nearest houses of the town.
- English Word Esplanade Definition The glacis of the counterscarp, or the slope of the parapet of the covered way toward the country.
- English Word Esplanade Definition A grass plat; a lawn.
- English Word Esplanade Definition Any clear, level space used for public walks or drives; esp., a terrace by the seaside.
- English Word Esplees Definition The full profits or products which ground or land yields, as the hay of the meadows, the feed of the pasture, the grain of arable fields, the rents, services, and the like.
- English Word Espousage Definition Espousal.
- English Word Espousal Definition The act of espousing or betrothing; especially, in the plural, betrothal; plighting of the troths; a contract of marriage; sometimes, the marriage ceremony.
- English Word Espousal Definition The uniting or allying one's self with anything; maintenance; adoption; as, the espousal of a quarrel.
- English Word Espouse Definition To betroth; to promise in marriage; to give as spouse.
- English Word Espouse Definition To take as spouse; to take to wife; to marry.
- English Word Espouse Definition To take to one's self with a view to maintain; to make one's own; to take up the cause of; to adopt; to embrace.
- English Word Espoused Definition of Espouse
- English Word Espousement Definition The act of espousing, or the state of being espoused.
- English Word Espouser Definition One who espouses; one who embraces the cause of another or makes it his own.
- English Word Espousing Definition of Espouse
- English Word Espressivo Definition With expression.
- English Word Espringal Definition An engine of war used for throwing viretons, large stones, and other missiles; a springal.
- English Word Esprit Definition Spirit.
- English Word Espy Definition To catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; to discover, as a distant object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice; to see at a glance; to discern unexpectedly; to spy; as, to espy land; to espy a man in a crowd.
- English Word Espy Definition To inspect narrowly; to examine and keep watch upon; to watch; to observe.
- English Word Espy Definition To look or search narrowly; to look about; to watch; to take notice; to spy.
- English Word Espy Definition A spy; a scout.
- English Word Espying Definition of Espy
- English Word Esquimau Definition Same as Eskimo.
- English Word Esquimaux Definition of Esquimau
- English Word Esquire Definition Originally, a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, an attendant on a knight; in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree below knight and above gentleman; also, a title of office and courtesy; -- often shortened to squire.
- English Word Esquire Definition To wait on as an esquire or attendant in public; to attend.
- English Word Esquired Definition of Esquire