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- English Word Epithelial Definition Of or pertaining to epithelium; as, epithelial cells; epithelial cancer.
- English Word Epithelioid Definition Like epithelium; as, epithelioid cells.
- English Word Epithelioma Definition A malignant growth containing epithelial cells; -- called also epithelial cancer.
- English Word Epithelium Definition The superficial layer of cells lining the alimentary canal and all its appendages, all glands and their ducts, blood vessels and lymphatics, serous cavities, etc. It often includes the epidermis (i. e., keratin-producing epithelial cells), and it is sometimes restricted to the alimentary canal, the glands and their appendages, -- the term endothelium being applied to the lining membrane of the blood vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities.
- English Word Epitheliums Definition of Epithelium
- English Word Epitheloid Definition Epithelioid.
- English Word Epithem Definition Any external topical application to the body, except ointments and plasters, as a poultice, lotion, etc.
- English Word Epithema Definition A horny excrescence upon the beak of birds.
- English Word Epithesis Definition The addition of a letter at the end of a word, without changing its sense; as, numb for num, whilst for whiles.
- English Word Epithet Definition An adjective expressing some quality, attribute, or relation, that is properly or specially appropriate to a person or thing; as, a just man; a verdant lawn.
- English Word Epithet Definition Term; expression; phrase.
- English Word Epithet Definition To describe by an epithet.
- English Word Epithetic Definition Alt. of Epithetical
- English Word Epithetical Definition Pertaining to, or abounding with, epithets.
- English Word Epithite Definition A lazy, worthless fellow; a vagrant.
- English Word Epithumetic Definition Epithumetical.
- English Word Epithumetical Definition Pertaining to sexual desire; sensual.
- English Word Epitithides Definition The uppermost member of the cornice of an entablature.
- English Word Epitomator Definition An epitomist.
- English Word Epitome Definition A work in which the contents of a former work are reduced within a smaller space by curtailment and condensation; a brief summary; an abridgement.
- English Word Epitome Definition A compact or condensed representation of anything.
- English Word Epitomes Definition of Epitome
- English Word Epitomist Definition One who makes an epitome; one who abridges; an epitomizer.
- English Word Epitomize Definition To make an epitome of; to shorten or abridge, as a writing or discourse; to reduce within a smaller space; as, to epitomize the works of Justin.
- English Word Epitomize Definition To diminish, as by cutting off something; to curtail; as, to epitomize words.
- English Word Epitomized Definition of Epitomize
- English Word Epitomizer Definition An epitomist.
- English Word Epitomizing Definition of Epitomize
- English Word Epitrite Definition A foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.
- English Word Epitrochlea Definition A projection on the outer side of the distal end of the humerus; the external condyle.