EPage 140
- English Word Epipteric Definition The epipteric bone.
- English Word Epipterygoid Definition Situated upon or above the pterygoid bone.
- English Word Epipterygoid Definition An epipterygoid bone or cartilage; the columella in the skulls of many lizards.
- English Word Epipubes Definition of Epipubis
- English Word Epipubic Definition Relating to the epipubis.
- English Word Epipubis Definition A cartilage or bone in front of the pubis in some amphibians and other animals.
- English Word Episcopacy Definition Government of the church by bishops; church government by three distinct orders of ministers -- bishops, priests, and deacons -- of whom the bishops have an authority superior and of a different kind.
- English Word Episcopal Definition Governed by bishops; as, an episcopal church.
- English Word Episcopal Definition Belonging to, or vested in, bishops; as, episcopal jurisdiction or authority; the episcopal system.
- English Word Episcopalian Definition Pertaining to bishops, or government by bishops; episcopal; specifically, of or relating to the Protestant Episcopal Church.
- English Word Episcopalian Definition One who belongs to an episcopal church, or adheres to the episcopal form of church government and discipline; a churchman; specifically, in the United States, a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
- English Word Episcopalianism Definition The doctrine and usages of Episcopalians; episcopacy.
- English Word Episcopally Definition By episcopal authority; in an episcopal manner.
- English Word Episcopant Definition A bishop.
- English Word Episcoparian Definition Episcopal.
- English Word Episcopate Definition A bishopric; the office and dignity of a bishop.
- English Word Episcopate Definition The collective body of bishops.
- English Word Episcopate Definition The time of a bishop's rule.
- English Word Episcopate Definition To act as a bishop; to fill the office of a prelate.
- English Word Episcopated Definition of Episcopate
- English Word Episcopating Definition of Episcopate
- English Word Episcopicide Definition The killing of a bishop.
- English Word Episcopize Definition To make a bishop of by consecration.
- English Word Episcopize Definition To perform the duties of a bishop.
- English Word Episcopy Definition Survey; superintendence.
- English Word Episcopy Definition Episcopacy.
- English Word Episepalous Definition Growing on the sepals or adnate to them.
- English Word Episkeletal Definition Above or outside of the endoskeleton; epaxial.
- English Word Episodal Definition Same as Episodic.
- English Word Episode Definition A separate incident, story, or action, introduced for the purpose of giving a greater variety to the events related; an incidental narrative, or digression, separable from the main subject, but naturally arising from it.