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  • English Word Epitrochlear Definition Relating to the epitrochlea.
  • English Word Epitrochoid Definition A kind of curve. See Epicycloid, any Trochoid.
  • English Word Epitrope Definition A figure by which permission is either seriously or ironically granted to some one, to do what he proposes to do; e. g., "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still."
  • English Word Epizeuxis Definition A figure by which a word is repeated with vehemence or emphasis, as in the following lines: -
  • English Word Epizoa Definition of Epizoon
  • English Word Epizoon Definition One of the artificial group of invertebrates of various kinds, which live parasitically upon the exterior of other animals; an ectozoon. Among them are the lice, ticks, many acari, the lerneans, or fish lice, and other crustaceans.
  • English Word Epizootic Definition Of or pertaining to an epizoon.
  • English Word Epizootic Definition Containing fossil remains; -- said of rocks, formations, mountains, and the like.
  • English Word Epizootic Definition Of the nature of a disease which attacks many animals at the same time; -- corresponding to epidemic diseases among men.
  • English Word Epizootic Definition An epizootic disease; a murrain; an epidemic influenza among horses.
  • English Word Epizooty Definition Alt. of Epizootic
  • English Word Eploring Definition Employed in, or designed for, exploration.
  • English Word Epoch Definition A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event; a point of time marked by an event of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which gave rise to the Christian era.
  • English Word Epoch Definition A period of time, longer or shorter, remarkable for events of great subsequent influence; a memorable period; as, the epoch of maritime discovery, or of the Reformation.
  • English Word Epoch Definition A division of time characterized by the prevalence of similar conditions of the earth; commonly a minor division or part of a period.
  • English Word Epoch Definition The date at which a planet or comet has a longitude or position.
  • English Word Epoch Definition An arbitrary fixed date, for which the elements used in computing the place of a planet, or other heavenly body, at any other date, are given; as, the epoch of Mars; lunar elements for the epoch March 1st, 1860.
  • English Word Epocha Definition See Epoch.
  • English Word Epochal Definition Belonging to an epoch; of the nature of an epoch.
  • English Word Epode Definition The after song; the part of a lyric ode which follows the strophe and antistrophe, -- the ancient ode being divided into strophe, antistrophe, and epode.
  • English Word Epode Definition A species of lyric poem, invented by Archilochus, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one; as, the Epodes of Horace. It does not include the elegiac distich.
  • English Word Epodic Definition Pertaining to, or resembling, an epode.
  • English Word Eponym Definition Alt. of Eponyme
  • English Word Eponyme Definition The hypothetical individual who is assumed as the person from whom any race, city, etc., took its name; as, Hellen is an eponym of the Hellenes.
  • English Word Eponyme Definition A name, as of a people, country, and the like, derived from that of an individual.
  • English Word Eponymic Definition Same as Eponymous.
  • English Word Eponymist Definition One from whom a race, tribe, city, or the like, took its name; an eponym.
  • English Word Eponymous Definition Relating to an eponym; giving one's name to a tribe, people, country, and the like.
  • English Word Eponymy Definition The derivation of the name of a race, tribe, etc., from that of a fabulous hero, progenitor, etc.
  • English Word Epoophoron Definition See Parovarium.