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  • English Word Dactylozooid Definition A kind of zooid of Siphonophora which has an elongated or even vermiform body, with one tentacle, but no mouth. See Siphonophora.
  • English Word Dad Definition Father; -- a word sometimes used by children.
  • English Word Daddled Definition of Dadle
  • English Word Daddling Definition of Dadle
  • English Word Daddock Definition The rotten body of a tree.
  • English Word Daddy Definition Diminutive of Dad.
  • English Word Daddy longlegs Definition An arachnidan of the genus Phalangium, and allied genera, having a small body and four pairs of long legs; -- called also harvestman, carter, and grandfather longlegs.
  • English Word Daddy longlegs Definition A name applied to many species of dipterous insects of the genus Tipula, and allied genera, with slender bodies, and very long, slender legs; the crane fly; -- called also father longlegs.
  • English Word Dade Definition To hold up by leading strings or by the hand, as a child while he toddles.
  • English Word Dade Definition To walk unsteadily, as a child in leading strings, or just learning to walk; to move slowly.
  • English Word Dadle Definition To toddle; to walk unsteadily, like a child or an old man; hence, to do anything slowly or feebly.
  • English Word Dado Definition That part of a pedestal included between the base and the cornice (or surbase); the die. See Illust. of Column.
  • English Word Dado Definition In any wall, that part of the basement included between the base and the base course. See Base course, under Base.
  • English Word Dado Definition In interior decoration, the lower part of the wall of an apartment when adorned with moldings, or otherwise specially decorated.
  • English Word Dadoes Definition of Dado
  • English Word Daedal Definition Alt. of Daedalian
  • English Word Daedalian Definition Cunningly or ingeniously formed or working; skillful; artistic; ingenious.
  • English Word Daedalian Definition Crafty; deceitful.
  • English Word Daedalous Definition Having a variously cut or incised margin; -- said of leaves.
  • English Word Daemon Definition Alt. of Daemonic
  • English Word Daemonic Definition See Demon, Demonic.
  • English Word Daff Definition To cast aside; to put off; to doff.
  • English Word Daff Definition A stupid, blockish fellow; a numskull.
  • English Word Daff Definition To act foolishly; to be foolish or sportive; to toy.
  • English Word Daff Definition To daunt.
  • English Word Daffodil Definition A plant of the genus Asphodelus.
  • English Word Daffodil Definition A plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Pseudo-narcissus). It has a bulbous root and beautiful flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly, daffydowndilly, etc.
  • English Word Daft Definition Stupid; foolish; idiotic; also, delirious; insane; as, he has gone daft.
  • English Word Daft Definition Gay; playful; frolicsome.
  • English Word Daftness Definition The quality of being daft.