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  • English Word Catholicism Definition The faith of the whole orthodox Christian church, or adherence thereto.
  • English Word Catholicism Definition The doctrines or faith of the Roman Catholic church, or adherence thereto.
  • English Word Catholicity Definition The state or quality of being catholic; universality.
  • English Word Catholicity Definition Liberality of sentiments; catholicism.
  • English Word Catholicity Definition Adherence or conformity to the system of doctrine held by all parts of the orthodox Christian church; the doctrine so held; orthodoxy.
  • English Word Catholicity Definition Adherence to the doctrines of the church of Rome, or the doctrines themselves.
  • English Word Catholicize Definition To make or to become catholic or Roman Catholic.
  • English Word Catholicly Definition In a catholic manner; generally; universally.
  • English Word Catholicness Definition The quality of being catholic; universality; catholicity.
  • English Word Catholicon Definition A remedy for all diseases; a panacea.
  • English Word Catholicos Definition The spiritual head of the Armenian church, who resides at Etchmiadzin, Russia, and has ecclesiastical jurisdiction over, and consecrates the holy oil for, the Armenians of Russia, Turkey, and Persia, including the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Sis.
  • English Word Catilinarian Definition Pertaining to Catiline, the Roman conspirator; resembling Catiline's conspiracy.
  • English Word Cation Definition An electro-positive substance, which in electro-decomposition is evolved at the cathode; -- opposed to anion.
  • English Word Catkin Definition An ament; a species of inflorescence, consisting of a slender axis with many unisexual apetalous flowers along its sides, as in the willow and poplar, and (as to the staminate flowers) in the chestnut, oak, hickory, etc. -- so called from its resemblance to a cat's tail. See Illust. of Ament.
  • English Word Catlike Definition Like a cat; stealthily; noiselessly.
  • English Word Catling Definition A little cat; a kitten.
  • English Word Catling Definition Catgut; a catgut string.
  • English Word Catling Definition A double-edged, sharp-pointed dismembering knife.
  • English Word Catlinite Definition A red clay from the Upper Missouri region, used by the Indians for their pipes.
  • English Word Catmint Definition A well-know plant of the genus Nepeta (N. Cataria), somewhat like mint, having a string scent, and sometimes used in medicine. It is so called because cats have a peculiar fondness for it.
  • English Word Catnip Definition Alt. of Catmint
  • English Word Cato-cathartic Definition A remedy that purges by alvine discharges.
  • English Word Catonian Definition Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the stern old Roman, Cato the Censor; severe; inflexible.
  • English Word Catopron Definition See Catopter.
  • English Word Catopter Definition Alt. of Catoptron
  • English Word Catoptric Definition Alt. of Catoptrical
  • English Word Catoptrical Definition Of or pertaining to catoptrics; produced by reflection.
  • English Word Catoptrics Definition That part of optics which explains the properties and phenomena of reflected light, and particularly that which is reflected from mirrors or polished bodies; -- formerly called anacamptics.
  • English Word Catoptromancy Definition A species of divination, which was performed by letting down a mirror into water, for a sick person to look at his face in it. If his countenance appeared distorted and ghastly, it was an ill omen; if fresh and healthy, it was favorable.
  • English Word Catoptron Definition A reflecting optical glass or instrument; a mirror.