CPage 77
- English Word Case Definition A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding goods; a case for spectacles; the case of a watch; the case (capsule) of a cartridge; a case (cover) for a book.
- English Word Case Definition A box and its contents; the quantity contained in a box; as, a case of goods; a case of instruments.
- English Word Case Definition A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
- English Word Case Definition An inclosing frame; a casing; as, a door case; a window case.
- English Word Case Definition A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
- English Word Case Definition To cover or protect with, or as with, a case; to inclose.
- English Word Case Definition To strip the skin from; as, to case a box.
- English Word Case Definition Chance; accident; hap; opportunity.
- English Word Case Definition That which befalls, comes, or happens; an event; an instance; a circumstance, or all the circumstances; condition; state of things; affair; as, a strange case; a case of injustice; the case of the Indian tribes.
- English Word Case Definition A patient under treatment; an instance of sickness or injury; as, ten cases of fever; also, the history of a disease or injury.
- English Word Case Definition The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law; a suit or action at law; a cause.
- English Word Case Definition One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension; the relation which a noun or pronoun sustains to some other word.
- English Word Case Definition To propose hypothetical cases.
- English Word Case knife Definition A knife carried in a sheath or case.
- English Word Case knife Definition A large table knife; -- so called from being formerly kept in a case.
- English Word Case shot Definition A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
- English Word Case-bay Definition The space between two principals or girders
- English Word Case-bay Definition One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
- English Word Caseation Definition A degeneration of animal tissue into a cheesy or curdy mass.
- English Word Cased Definition of Case
- English Word Caseharden Definition To subject to a process which converts the surface of iron into steel.
- English Word Caseharden Definition To render insensible to good influences.
- English Word Casehardened Definition Having the surface hardened, as iron tools.
- English Word Casehardened Definition Hardened against, or insusceptible to, good influences; rendered callous by persistence in wrongdoing or resistance of good influences; -- said of persons.
- English Word Casehardening Definition The act or process of converting the surface of iron into steel.
- English Word Caseic Definition Of or pertaining to cheese; as, caseic acid.
- English Word Casein Definition A proteid substance present in both the animal and the vegetable kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found in milk, and constitutes the main part of the curd separated by rennet; in the vegetable kingdom it is found more or less abundantly in the seeds of leguminous plants. Its reactions resemble those of alkali albumin.
- English Word Casemate Definition A bombproof chamber, usually of masonry, in which cannon may be placed, to be fired through embrasures; or one capable of being used as a magazine, or for quartering troops.
- English Word Casemate Definition A hollow molding, chiefly in cornices.
- English Word Casemated Definition Furnished with, protected by, or built like, a casemate.