CPage 58
- English Word Carbanil Definition A mobile liquid, CO.N.C6H5, of pungent odor. It is the phenyl salt of isocyanic acid.
- English Word Carbazol Definition A white crystallized substance, C12H8NH, derived from aniline and other amines.
- English Word Carbazotate Definition A salt of carbazotic or picric acid; a picrate.
- English Word Carbazotic Definition Containing, or derived from, carbon and nitrogen.
- English Word Carbide Definition A binary compound of carbon with some other element or radical, in which the carbon plays the part of a negative; -- formerly termed carburet.
- English Word Carbimide Definition The technical name for isocyanic acid. See under Isocyanic.
- English Word Carbine Definition A short, light musket or rifle, esp. one used by mounted soldiers or cavalry.
- English Word Carbineer Definition A soldier armed with a carbine.
- English Word Carbinol Definition Methyl alcohol, CH3OH; -- also, by extension, any one in the homologous series of paraffine alcohols of which methyl alcohol is the type.
- English Word Carbohydrate Definition One of a group of compounds including the sugars, starches, and gums, which contain six (or some multiple of six) carbon atoms, united with a variable number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, but with the two latter always in proportion as to form water; as dextrose, C6H12O6.
- English Word Carbohydride Definition A hydrocarbon.
- English Word Carbolic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, an acid derived from coal tar and other sources; as, carbolic acid (called also phenic acid, and phenol). See Phenol.
- English Word Carbolize Definition To apply carbolic acid to; to wash or treat with carbolic acid.
- English Word Carbon Definition An elementary substance, not metallic in its nature, which is present in all organic compounds. Atomic weight 11.97. Symbol C. it is combustible, and forms the base of lampblack and charcoal, and enters largely into mineral coals. In its pure crystallized state it constitutes the diamond, the hardest of known substances, occuring in monometric crystals like the octahedron, etc. Another modification is graphite, or blacklead, and in this it is soft, and occurs in hexagonal prisms or tables. When united with oxygen it forms carbon dioxide, commonly called carbonic acid, or carbonic oxide, according to the proportions of the oxygen; when united with hydrogen, it forms various compounds called hydrocarbons. Compare Diamond, and Graphite.
- English Word Carbonaceous Definition Pertaining to, containing, or composed of, carbon.
- English Word Carbonade Definition Alt. of Carbonado
- English Word Carbonade Definition To cut (meat) across for frying or broiling; to cut or slice and broil.
- English Word Carbonade Definition To cut or hack, as in fighting.
- English Word Carbonado Definition Flesh, fowl, etc., cut across, seasoned, and broiled on coals; a chop.
- English Word Carbonado Definition Alt. of Carbonade
- English Word Carbonado Definition A black variety of diamond, found in Brazil, and used for diamond drills. It occurs in irregular or rounded fragments, rarely distinctly crystallized, with a texture varying from compact to porous.
- English Word Carbonadoed Definition of Carbonade
- English Word Carbonadoes Definition of Carbonado
- English Word Carbonadoing Definition of Carbonade
- English Word Carbonari Definition of Carbonaro
- English Word Carbonarism Definition The principles, practices, or organization of the Carbonari.
- English Word Carbonaro Definition A member of a secret political association in Italy, organized in the early part of the nineteenth centry for the purpose of changing the government into a republic.
- English Word Carbonatation Definition The saturation of defecated beet juice with carbonic acid gas.
- English Word Carbonate Definition A salt or carbonic acid, as in limestone, some forms of lead ore, etc.
- English Word Carbonated Definition Combined or impregnated with carbonic acid.