CPage 553
- English Word Cyclostomata Definition Alt. of Cyclostoma
- English Word Cyclostome Definition Alt. of Cyclostomous
- English Word Cyclostomi Definition A glass of fishes having a suckerlike mouth, without jaws, as the lamprey; the Marsipobranchii.
- English Word Cyclostomous Definition Pertaining to the Cyclostomi.
- English Word Cyclostylar Definition Relating to a structure composed of a circular range of columns, without a core or building within.
- English Word Cyclostyle Definition A contrivance for producing manifold copies of writing or drawing. The writing or drawing is done with a style carrying a small wheel at the end which makes minute punctures in the paper, thus converting it into a stencil. Copies are transferred with an inked roller.
- English Word Cyder Definition See Cider.
- English Word Cydonin Definition A peculiar mucilaginous substance extracted from the seeds of the quince (Cydonia vulgaris), and regarded as a variety of amylose.
- English Word Cygnet Definition A young swan.
- English Word Cygnus Definition A constellation of the northern hemisphere east of, or following, Lyra; the Swan.
- English Word Cylinder Definition A solid body which may be generated by the rotation of a parallelogram round one its sides; or a body of rollerlike form, of which the longitudinal section is oblong, and the cross section is circular.
- English Word Cylinder Definition The space inclosed by any cylindrical surface. The space may be limited or unlimited in length.
- English Word Cylinder Definition Any hollow body of cylindrical form
- English Word Cylinder Definition The chamber of a steam engine in which the piston is moved by the force of steam.
- English Word Cylinder Definition The barrel of an air or other pump.
- English Word Cylinder Definition The revolving platen or bed which produces the impression or carries the type in a cylinder press.
- English Word Cylinder Definition The bore of a gun; the turning chambered breech of a revolver.
- English Word Cylinder Definition The revolving square prism carrying the cards in a Jacquard loom.
- English Word Cylindraceous Definition Cylindrical, or approaching a cylindrical form.
- English Word Cylindric Definition Alt. of Cylindrical
- English Word Cylindrical Definition Having the form of a cylinder, or of a section of its convex surface; partaking of the properties of the cylinder.
- English Word Cylindrically Definition In the manner or shape of a cylinder; so as to be cylindrical.
- English Word Cylindricity Definition The quality or condition of being cylindrical.
- English Word Cylindriform Definition Having the form of a cylinder.
- English Word Cylindroid Definition A solid body resembling a right cylinder, but having the bases or ends elliptical.
- English Word Cylindroid Definition A certain surface of the third degree, described by a moving straight line; -- used to illustrate the motions of a rigid body and also the forces acting on the body.
- English Word Cylindrometric Definition Belonging to a scale used in measuring cylinders.
- English Word Cyma Definition A member or molding of the cornice, the profile of which is wavelike in form.
- English Word Cyma Definition A cyme. See Cyme.
- English Word Cymar Definition A slight covering; a scarf. See Simar.