CPage 549
- English Word Cutpurse Definition One who cuts purses for the sake of stealing them or their contents (an act common when men wore purses fastened by a string to their girdles); one who steals from the person; a pickpocket
- English Word Cutter Definition One who cuts; as, a stone cutter; a die cutter; esp., one who cuts out garments.
- English Word Cutter Definition That which cuts; a machine or part of a machine, or a tool or instrument used for cutting, as that part of a mower which severs the stalk, or as a paper cutter.
- English Word Cutter Definition A fore tooth; an incisor.
- English Word Cutter Definition A boat used by ships of war.
- English Word Cutter Definition A fast sailing vessel with one mast, rigged in most essentials like a sloop. A cutter is narrower end deeper than a sloop of the same length, and depends for stability on a deep keel, often heavily weighted with lead.
- English Word Cutter Definition A small armed vessel, usually a steamer, in the revenue marine service; -- also called revenue cutter.
- English Word Cutter Definition A small, light one-horse sleigh.
- English Word Cutter Definition An officer in the exchequer who notes by cutting on the tallies the sums paid.
- English Word Cutter Definition A ruffian; a bravo; a destroyer.
- English Word Cutter Definition A kind of soft yellow brick, used for facework; -- so called from the facility with which it can be cut.
- English Word Cutthroat Definition One who cuts throats; a murderer; an assassin.
- English Word Cutthroat Definition Murderous; cruel; barbarous.
- English Word Cutting Definition of Cut
- English Word Cutting Definition The act or process of making an incision, or of severing, felling, shaping, etc.
- English Word Cutting Definition Something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig or scion cut off from a stock for the purpose of grafting or of rooting as an independent plant; something cut out of a newspaper; an excavation cut through a hill or elsewhere to make a way for a railroad, canal, etc.; a cut.
- English Word Cutting Definition Adapted to cut; as, a cutting tool.
- English Word Cutting Definition Chilling; penetrating; sharp; as, a cutting wind.
- English Word Cutting Definition Severe; sarcastic; biting; as, a cutting reply.
- English Word Cuttingly Definition In a cutting manner.
- English Word Cuttle Definition A knife.
- English Word Cuttle Definition Alt. of Cuttlefish
- English Word Cuttle bone Definition The shell or bone of cuttlefishes, used for various purposes, as for making polishing powder, etc.
- English Word Cuttlefish Definition A cephalopod of the genus Sepia, having an internal shell, large eyes, and ten arms furnished with denticulated suckers, by means of which it secures its prey. The name is sometimes applied to dibranchiate cephalopods generally.
- English Word Cuttlefish Definition A foul-mouthed fellow.
- English Word Cuttoo plate Definition A hood over the end of a wagon wheel hub to keep dirt away from the axle.
- English Word Cutty Definition A short spoon.
- English Word Cutty Definition A short tobacco pipe.
- English Word Cutty Definition A light or unchaste woman.
- English Word Cuttystool Definition A low stool