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  • English Word Crepusculous Definition Flying in the twilight or evening, or before sunrise; -- said certain birds and insects.
  • English Word Crescence Definition Increase; enlargement.
  • English Word Crescendo Definition With a constantly increasing volume of voice; with gradually increasing strength and fullness of tone; -- a direction for the performance of music, indicated by the mark, or by writing the word on the score.
  • English Word Crescendo Definition A gradual increase in the strength and fullness of tone with which a passage is performed.
  • English Word Crescendo Definition A passage to be performed with constantly increasing volume of tone.
  • English Word Crescent Definition The increasing moon; the moon in her first quarter, or when defined by a concave and a convex edge; also, applied improperly to the old or decreasing moon in a like state.
  • English Word Crescent Definition Anything having the shape of a crescent or new moon.
  • English Word Crescent Definition A representation of the increasing moon, often used as an emblem or badge
  • English Word Crescent Definition A symbol of Artemis, or Diana.
  • English Word Crescent Definition The ancient symbol of Byzantium or Constantinople.
  • English Word Crescent Definition The emblem of the Turkish Empire, adopted after the taking of Constantinople.
  • English Word Crescent Definition Any one of three orders of knighthood; the first instituted by Charles I., king of Naples and Sicily, in 1268; the second by Rene of Anjou, in 1448; and the third by the Sultan Selim III., in 1801, to be conferred upon foreigners to whom Turkey might be indebted for valuable services.
  • English Word Crescent Definition The emblem of the increasing moon with horns directed upward, when used in a coat of arms; -- often used as a mark of cadency to distinguish a second son and his descendants.
  • English Word Crescent Definition Shaped like a crescent.
  • English Word Crescent Definition Increasing; growing.
  • English Word Crescent Definition To form into a crescent, or something resembling a crescent.
  • English Word Crescent Definition To adorn with crescents.
  • English Word Crescentic Definition Crescent-shaped.
  • English Word Crescentwise Definition In the form of a crescent; like a crescent.
  • English Word Crescive Definition Increasing; growing.
  • English Word Cresol Definition Any one of three metameric substances, CH3.C6H4.OH, homologous with and resembling phenol. They are obtained from coal tar and wood tar, and are colorless, oily liquids or solids. [Called also cresylic acid.]
  • English Word Cresorcin Definition Same as Isorcin.
  • English Word Cress Definition A plant of various species, chiefly cruciferous. The leaves have a moderately pungent taste, and are used as a salad and antiscorbutic.
  • English Word Cresselle Definition A wooden rattle sometimes used as a substitute for a bell, in the Roman Catholic church, during the latter part of Holy Week, or the last week of Lent.
  • English Word Cresses Definition of Cress
  • English Word Cresset Definition An open frame or basket of iron, filled with combustible material, to be burned as a beacon; an open lamp or firrepan carried on a pole in nocturnal processions.
  • English Word Cresset Definition A small furnace or iron cage to hold fire for charring the inside of a cask, and making the staves flexible.
  • English Word Cressy Definition Abounding in cresses.
  • English Word Crest Definition A tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal's head; the comb of a cock; the swelling on the head of a serpent; the lengthened feathers of the crown or nape of bird, etc.
  • English Word Crest Definition The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on a helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet, indicating the rank of the wearer; hence, also, the helmet.