CPage 475
- English Word Crank Definition A twist or turn of the mind; caprice; whim; crotchet; also, a fit of temper or passion.
- English Word Crank Definition A person full of crotchets; one given to fantastic or impracticable projects; one whose judgment is perverted in respect to a particular matter.
- English Word Crank Definition A sick person; an invalid.
- English Word Crank Definition Sick; infirm.
- English Word Crank Definition Liable to careen or be overset, as a ship when she is too narrow, or has not sufficient ballast, or is loaded too high, to carry full sail.
- English Word Crank Definition Full of spirit; brisk; lively; sprightly; overconfident; opinionated.
- English Word Crank Definition To run with a winding course; to double; to crook; to wind and turn.
- English Word Crankbird Definition A small European woodpecker (Picus minor).
- English Word Cranked Definition Formed with, or having, a bend or crank; as, a cranked axle.
- English Word Crankiness Definition Crankness.
- English Word Crankle Definition To break into bends, turns, or angles; to crinkle.
- English Word Crankle Definition To bend, turn, or wind.
- English Word Crankle Definition A bend or turn; a twist; a crinkle.
- English Word Crankness Definition Liability to be overset; -- said of a ship or other vessel.
- English Word Crankness Definition Sprightliness; vigor; health.
- English Word Cranky Definition Full of spirit; crank.
- English Word Cranky Definition Addicted to crotchets and whims; unreasonable in opinions; crotchety.
- English Word Cranky Definition Unsteady; easy to upset; crank.
- English Word Crannied Definition Having crannies, chinks, or fissures; as, a crannied wall.
- English Word Crannied Definition of Cranny
- English Word Crannies Definition of Cranny
- English Word Crannog Definition Alt. of Crannoge
- English Word Crannoge Definition One of the stockaded islands in Scotland and Ireland which in ancient times were numerous in the lakes of both countries. They may be regarded as the very latest class of prehistoric strongholds, reaching their greatest development in early historic times, and surviving through the Middle Ages. See also Lake dwellings, under Lake.
- English Word Cranny Definition A small, narrow opening, fissure, crevice, or chink, as in a wall, or other substance.
- English Word Cranny Definition A tool for forming the necks of bottles, etc.
- English Word Cranny Definition To crack into, or become full of, crannies.
- English Word Cranny Definition To haunt, or enter by, crannies.
- English Word Cranny Definition Quick; giddy; thoughtless.
- English Word Crannying Definition of Cranny
- English Word Crantara Definition The fiery cross, used as a rallying signal in the Highlands of Scotland.