CPage 471
- English Word Cradled Definition of Cradle
- English Word Cradling Definition of Cradle
- English Word Cradling Definition The act of using a cradle.
- English Word Cradling Definition Cutting a cask into two pieces lengthwise, to enable it to pass a narrow place, the two parts being afterward united and rehooped.
- English Word Cradling Definition The framework in arched or coved ceilings to which the laths are nailed.
- English Word Craft Definition Strength; might; secret power.
- English Word Craft Definition Art or skill; dexterity in particular manual employment; hence, the occupation or employment itself; manual art; a trade.
- English Word Craft Definition Those engaged in any trade, taken collectively; a guild; as, the craft of ironmongers.
- English Word Craft Definition Cunning, art, or skill, in a bad sense, or applied to bad purposes; artifice; guile; skill or dexterity employed to effect purposes by deceit or shrewd devices.
- English Word Craft Definition A vessel; vessels of any kind; -- generally used in a collective sense.
- English Word Craft Definition To play tricks; to practice artifice.
- English Word Craftily Definition With craft; artfully; cunningly.
- English Word Craftiness Definition Dexterity in devising and effecting a purpose; cunning; artifice; stratagem.
- English Word Craftless Definition Without craft or cunning.
- English Word Craftsman Definition One skilled in some trade or manual occupation; an artificer; a mechanic.
- English Word Craftsmanship Definition The work of a craftsman.
- English Word Craftsmaster Definition One skilled in his craft or trade; one of superior cunning.
- English Word Craftsmen Definition of Craftsman
- English Word Crafty Definition Relating to, or characterized by, craft or skill; dexterous.
- English Word Crafty Definition Possessing dexterity; skilled; skillful.
- English Word Crafty Definition Skillful at deceiving others; characterized by craft; cunning; wily.
- English Word Crag Definition A steep, rugged rock; a rough, broken cliff, or point of a rock, on a ledge.
- English Word Crag Definition A partially compacted bed of gravel mixed with shells, of the Tertiary age.
- English Word Crag Definition The neck or throat
- English Word Crag Definition The neck piece or scrag of mutton.
- English Word Cragged Definition Full of crags, or steep, broken //cks; abounding with prominences, points, and inequalities; rough; rugged.
- English Word Cragginess Definition The state of being craggy.
- English Word Craggy Definition Full of crags; rugged with projecting points of rocks; as, the craggy side of a mountain.
- English Word Cragsman Definition One accustomed to climb rocks or crags; esp., one who makes a business of climbing the cliffs overhanging the sea to get the eggs of sea birds or the birds themselves.
- English Word Cragsmen Definition of Cragsman