CPage 451
- English Word Countermine Definition A stratagem or plot by which another sratagem or project is defeated.
- English Word Countermine Definition To oppose by means of a countermine; to intercept with a countermine.
- English Word Countermine Definition To frustrate or counteract by secret measures.
- English Word Countermine Definition To make a countermine or counterplot; to plot secretly.
- English Word Countermined Definition of Countermine
- English Word Countermining Definition of Countermine
- English Word Countermove Definition To move in a contrary direction to.
- English Word Countermove Definition Alt. of Countermovement
- English Word Countermovement Definition A movement in opposition to another.
- English Word Countermure Definition A wall raised behind another, to supply its place when breached or destroyed. [R.] Cf. Contramure.
- English Word Countermure Definition To fortify with a wall behind another wall.
- English Word Countermured Definition of Countermure
- English Word Countermuring Definition of Countermure
- English Word Counternatural Definition Contrary to nature.
- English Word Counterpane Definition A coverlet for a bed, -- originally stitched or woven in squares or figures.
- English Word Counterpane Definition A duplicate part or copy of an indenture, deed, etc., corresponding with the original; -- now called counterpart.
- English Word Counterpart Definition A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile.
- English Word Counterpart Definition One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate.
- English Word Counterpart Definition A person who closely resembles another.
- English Word Counterpart Definition A thing may be applied to another thing so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence, a thing which is adapted to another thing, or which supplements it; that which serves to complete or complement anything; hence, a person or thing having qualities lacking in another; an opposite.
- English Word Counterpassant Definition Passant in opposite directions; -- said of two animals.
- English Word Counterplead Definition To plead the contrary of; to plead against; to deny.
- English Word Counterplot Definition To oppose, as another plot, by plotting; to attempt to frustrate, as a stratagem, by stratagem.
- English Word Counterplot Definition A plot or artifice opposed to another.
- English Word Counterplotted Definition of Counterplot
- English Word Counterplotting Definition of Counterplot
- English Word Counterpoint Definition An opposite point
- English Word Counterpoint Definition The setting of note against note in harmony; the adding of one or more parts to a given canto fermo or melody
- English Word Counterpoint Definition The art of polyphony, or composite melody, i. e., melody not single, but moving attended by one or more related melodies.
- English Word Counterpoint Definition Music in parts; part writing; harmony; polyphonic music. See Polyphony.