CPage 444
- English Word Couch Definition Any place for repose, as the lair of a beast, etc.
- English Word Couch Definition A mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting; or the floor occupied by the barley; as, couch of malt.
- English Word Couch Definition A preliminary layer, as of color, size, etc.
- English Word Couch grass Definition See Quitch grass.
- English Word Couchancy Definition State of lying down for repose.
- English Word Couchant Definition Lying down with head erect; squatting.
- English Word Couchant Definition Lying down with the head raised, which distinguishes the posture of couchant from that of dormant, or sleeping; -- said of a lion or other beast.
- English Word Couche Definition Not erect; inclined; -- said of anything that is usually erect, as an escutcheon.
- English Word Couche Definition Lying on its side; thus, a chevron couche is one which emerges from one side of the escutcheon and has its apex on the opposite side, or at the fess point.
- English Word Couched Definition of Couch
- English Word Couched Definition Same as Couch/.
- English Word Couchee Definition A reception held at the time of going to bed, as by a sovereign or great prince.
- English Word Coucher Definition One who couches.
- English Word Coucher Definition One who couches paper.
- English Word Coucher Definition A factor or agent resident in a country for traffic.
- English Word Coucher Definition The book in which a corporation or other body registers its particular acts.
- English Word Couching Definition of Couch
- English Word Couching Definition The operation of putting down or displacing the opaque lens in cataract.
- English Word Couching Definition Embroidering by laying the materials upon the surface of the foundation, instead of drawing them through.
- English Word Couchless Definition Having no couch or bed.
- English Word Coudee Definition A measure of length; the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger; a cubit.
- English Word Cougar Definition An American feline quadruped (Felis concolor), resembling the African panther in size and habits. Its color is tawny, without spots; hence writers often called it the American lion. Called also puma, panther, mountain lion, and catamount. See Puma.
- English Word Cough Definition To expel air, or obstructing or irritating matter, from the lungs or air passages, in a noisy and violent manner.
- English Word Cough Definition To expel from the lungs or air passages by coughing; -- followed by up; as, to cough up phlegm.
- English Word Cough Definition To bring to a specified state by coughing; as, he coughed himself hoarse.
- English Word Cough Definition A sudden, noisy, and violent expulsion of air from the chest, caused by irritation in the air passages, or by the reflex action of nervous or gastric disorder, etc.
- English Word Cough Definition The more or less frequent repetition of coughing, constituting a symptom of disease.
- English Word Coughed Definition of Cough
- English Word Cougher Definition One who coughs.
- English Word Coughing Definition of Cough