CPage 438
- English Word Cosmolabe Definition An instrument resembling the astrolabe, formerly used for measuring the angles between heavenly bodies; -- called also pantacosm.
- English Word Cosmolatry Definition Worship paid to the world.
- English Word Cosmoline Definition A substance obtained from the residues of the distillation of petroleum, essentially the same as vaseline, but of somewhat stiffer consistency, and consisting of a mixture of the higher paraffines; a kind of petroleum jelly.
- English Word Cosmological Definition Of or pertaining to cosmology.
- English Word Cosmologist Definition One who describes the universe; one skilled in cosmology.
- English Word Cosmology Definition The science of the world or universe; or a treatise relating to the structure and parts of the system of creation, the elements of bodies, the modifications of material things, the laws of motion, and the order and course of nature.
- English Word Cosmometry Definition The art of measuring the world or the universe.
- English Word Cosmoplastic Definition Pertaining to a plastic force as operative in the formation of the world independently of God; world-forming.
- English Word Cosmopolitan Definition Alt. of Cosmopolite
- English Word Cosmopolitan Definition Alt. of Cosmopolite
- English Word Cosmopolitanism Definition The quality of being cosmopolitan; cosmopolitism.
- English Word Cosmopolite Definition One who has no fixed residence, or who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world.
- English Word Cosmopolite Definition Having no fixed residence; at home in any place; free from local attachments or prejudices; not provincial; liberal.
- English Word Cosmopolite Definition Common everywhere; widely spread; found in all parts of the world.
- English Word Cosmopolite Definition See Cosmopolitan.
- English Word Cosmopolitical Definition Having the character of a cosmopolite.
- English Word Cosmopolitism Definition The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.
- English Word Cosmorama Definition An exhibition in which a series of views in various parts of the world is seen reflected by mirrors through a series of lenses, with such illumination, etc., as will make the views most closely represent reality.
- English Word Cosmoramic Definition Of or pertaining to a cosmorama.
- English Word Cosmos Definition The universe or universality of created things; -- so called from the order and harmony displayed in it.
- English Word Cosmos Definition The theory or description of the universe, as a system displaying order and harmony.
- English Word Cosmosphere Definition An apparatus for showing the position of the earth, at any given time, with respect to the fixed stars. It consist of a hollow glass globe, on which are depicted the stars and constellations, and within which is a terrestrial globe.
- English Word Cosmotheism Definition Same as Pantheism.
- English Word Cosmothetic Definition Assuming or positing the actual existence or reality of the physical or external world.
- English Word Cosovereign Definition A joint sovereign.
- English Word Coss Definition A Hindoo measure of distance, varying from one and a half to two English miles.
- English Word Coss Definition A thing (only in phrase below).
- English Word Cossack Definition One of a warlike, pastoral people, skillful as horsemen, inhabiting different parts of the Russian empire and furnishing valuable contingents of irregular cavalry to its armies, those of Little Russia and those of the Don forming the principal divisions.
- English Word Cossas Definition Plain India muslin, of various qualities and widths.
- English Word Cosset Definition A lamb reared without the aid of the dam. Hence: A pet, in general.