CPage 397
- English Word Convalescent Definition One recovering from sickness.
- English Word Convalescently Definition In the manner of a convalescent; with increasing strength or vigor.
- English Word Convalescing Definition of Convalesce
- English Word Convallamarin Definition A white, crystalline, poisonous substance, regarded as a glucoside, extracted from the lily of the valley (Convallaria Majalis). Its taste is first bitter, then sweet.
- English Word Convallaria Definition The lily of the valley.
- English Word Convallarin Definition A white, crystalline glucoside, of an irritating taste, extracted from the convallaria or lily of the valley.
- English Word Convection Definition The act or process of conveying or transmitting.
- English Word Convection Definition A process of transfer or transmission, as of heat or electricity, by means of currents in liquids or gases, resulting from changes of temperature and other causes.
- English Word Convective Definition Caused or accomplished by convection; as, a convective discharge of electricity.
- English Word Convectively Definition In a convective manner.
- English Word Convellent Definition Tending to tear or pull up.
- English Word Convenable Definition Capable of being convened or assembled.
- English Word Convenable Definition Consistent; accordant; suitable; proper; as, convenable remedies.
- English Word Convenance Definition That which is suitable, agreeable, or convenient.
- English Word Convene Definition To come together; to meet; to unite.
- English Word Convene Definition To come together, as in one body or for a public purpose; to meet; to assemble.
- English Word Convene Definition To cause to assemble; to call together; to convoke.
- English Word Convene Definition To summon judicially to meet or appear.
- English Word Convened Definition of Convene
- English Word Convener Definition One who convenes or meets with others.
- English Word Convener Definition One who calls an assembly together or convenes a meeting; hence, the chairman of a committee or other organized body.
- English Word Convenience Definition Alt. of Conveniency
- English Word Conveniency Definition The state or quality of being convenient; fitness or suitableness, as of place, time, etc.; propriety.
- English Word Conveniency Definition Freedom from discomfort, difficulty, or trouble; commodiousness; ease; accommodation.
- English Word Conveniency Definition That which is convenient; that which promotes comfort or advantage; that which is suited to one's wants; an accommodation.
- English Word Conveniency Definition A convenient or fit time; opportunity; as, to do something at one's convenience.
- English Word Convenient Definition Fit or adapted; suitable; proper; becoming; appropriate.
- English Word Convenient Definition Affording accommodation or advantage; well adapted to use; handly; as, a convenient house; convenient implements or tools.
- English Word Convenient Definition Seasonable; timely; opportune; as, a convenient occasion; a convenient season.
- English Word Convenient Definition Near at hand; easy of access.