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  • English Word Constellate Definition To join luster; to shine with united radiance, or one general light.
  • English Word Constellate Definition To unite in one luster or radiance, as stars.
  • English Word Constellate Definition To set or adorn with stars or constellations; as, constellated heavens.
  • English Word Constellation Definition A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included.
  • English Word Constellation Definition An assemblage of splendors or excellences.
  • English Word Constellation Definition Fortune; fate; destiny.
  • English Word Consternation Definition Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitates for reflection; terror, combined with amazement; dismay.
  • English Word Constipate Definition To crowd or cram into a narrow compass; to press together or condense.
  • English Word Constipate Definition To stop (a channel) by filling it, and preventing passage through it; as, to constipate the capillary vessels.
  • English Word Constipate Definition To render costive; to cause constipation in.
  • English Word Constipated Definition of Constipate
  • English Word Constipating Definition of Constipate
  • English Word Constipation Definition Act of crowding anything into a less compass, or the state of being crowded or pressed together; condensation.
  • English Word Constipation Definition A state of the bowels in which the evacuations are infrequent and difficult, or the intestines become filled with hardened faeces; costiveness.
  • English Word Constituencies Definition of Constituency
  • English Word Constituency Definition A body of constituents, as the body of citizens or voters in a representative district.
  • English Word Constituent Definition Serving to form, compose, or make up; elemental; component.
  • English Word Constituent Definition Having the power of electing or appointing.
  • English Word Constituent Definition The person or thing which constitutes, determines, or constructs.
  • English Word Constituent Definition That which constitutes or composes, as a part, or an essential part; a component; an element.
  • English Word Constituent Definition One for whom another acts; especially, one who is represented by another in a legislative assembly; -- correlative to representative.
  • English Word Constituent Definition A person who appoints another to act for him as attorney in fact.
  • English Word Constitute Definition To cause to stand; to establish; to enact.
  • English Word Constitute Definition To make up; to compose; to form.
  • English Word Constitute Definition To appoint, depute, or elect to an office; to make and empower.
  • English Word Constitute Definition An established law.
  • English Word Constituted Definition of Constitute
  • English Word Constituter Definition One who constitutes or appoints.
  • English Word Constituting Definition of Constitute
  • English Word Constitution Definition The act or process of constituting; the action of enacting, establishing, or appointing; enactment; establishment; formation.