CPage 370
- English Word Consignment Definition That which is consigned; the goods or commodities sent or addressed to a consignee at one time or by one conveyance.
- English Word Consignment Definition The writing by which anything is consigned.
- English Word Consignor Definition One who consigns something to another; -- opposed to consignee.
- English Word Consilience Definition Act of concurring; coincidence; concurrence.
- English Word Consimilitude Definition Alt. of Consimility
- English Word Consimility Definition Common resemblance.
- English Word Consist Definition To stand firm; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection; to hold together; to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained.
- English Word Consist Definition To be composed or made up; -- followed by of.
- English Word Consist Definition To have as its substance or character, or as its foundation; to be; -- followed by in.
- English Word Consist Definition To be consistent or harmonious; to be in accordance; -- formerly used absolutely, now followed by with.
- English Word Consist Definition To insist; -- followed by on.
- English Word Consisted Definition of Consist
- English Word Consistence Definition Alt. of Consistency
- English Word Consistency Definition The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity.
- English Word Consistency Definition A degree of firmness, density, or spissitude.
- English Word Consistency Definition That which stands together as a united whole; a combination.
- English Word Consistency Definition Firmness of constitution or character; substantiality; durability; persistency.
- English Word Consistency Definition Agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at different times; the harmony of conduct with profession; congruity; correspondence; as, the consistency of laws, regulations, or judicial decisions; consistency of opinions; consistency of conduct or of character.
- English Word Consistent Definition Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid.
- English Word Consistent Definition Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous; compatible; uniform; not contradictory.
- English Word Consistent Definition Living or acting in conformity with one's belief or professions.
- English Word Consistently Definition In a consistent manner.
- English Word Consisting Definition of Consist
- English Word Consistorial Definition Of or pertaining to a consistory.
- English Word Consistorian Definition Pertaining to a Presbyterian consistory; -- a contemptuous term of 17th century controversy.
- English Word Consistories Definition of Consistory
- English Word Consistory Definition Primarily, a place of standing or staying together; hence, any solemn assembly or council.
- English Word Consistory Definition The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral church or elsewhere.
- English Word Consistory Definition An assembly of prelates; a session of the college of cardinals at Rome.
- English Word Consistory Definition A church tribunal or governing body.