CPage 366
- English Word Consensual Definition Existing, or made, by the mutual consent of two or more parties.
- English Word Consensual Definition Excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition; as, consensual motions.
- English Word Consensus Definition Agreement; accord; consent.
- English Word Consent Definition To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur.
- English Word Consent Definition To indicate or express a willingness; to yield to guidance, persuasion, or necessity; to give assent or approval; to comply.
- English Word Consent Definition To grant; to allow; to assent to; to admit.
- English Word Consent Definition Agreement in opinion or sentiment; the being of one mind; accord.
- English Word Consent Definition Correspondence in parts, qualities, or operations; agreement; harmony; coherence.
- English Word Consent Definition Voluntary accordance with, or concurrence in, what is done or proposed by another; acquiescence; compliance; approval; permission.
- English Word Consent Definition Capable, deliberate, and voluntary assent or agreement to, or concurrence in, some act or purpose, implying physical and mental power and free action.
- English Word Consent Definition Sympathy. See Sympathy, 4.
- English Word Consentaneity Definition Mutual agreement.
- English Word Consentaneous Definition Consistent; agreeable; suitable; accordant to; harmonious; concurrent.
- English Word Consentant Definition Consenting.
- English Word Consented Definition of Consent
- English Word Consenter Definition One who consents.
- English Word Consentient Definition Agreeing in mind; accordant.
- English Word Consenting Definition of Consent
- English Word Consentingly Definition With consent; in a compliant manner.
- English Word Consequence Definition That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result.
- English Word Consequence Definition A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference.
- English Word Consequence Definition Chain of causes and effects; consecution.
- English Word Consequence Definition Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction.
- English Word Consequencing Definition Drawing inference.
- English Word Consequent Definition Following as a result, inference, or natural effect.
- English Word Consequent Definition Following by necessary inference or rational deduction; as, a proposition consequent to other propositions.
- English Word Consequent Definition That which follows, or results from, a cause; a result or natural effect.
- English Word Consequent Definition That which follows from propositions by rational deduction; that which is deduced from reasoning or argumentation; a conclusion, or inference.
- English Word Consequent Definition The second term of a ratio, as the term b in the ratio a:b, the first a, being the antecedent.
- English Word Consequential Definition Following as a consequence, result, or logical inference; consequent.