CPage 353
- English Word Congealable Definition Capable of being congealed.
- English Word Congealed Definition of Congeal
- English Word Congealedness Definition The state of being congealed.
- English Word Congealing Definition of Congeal
- English Word Congealment Definition The act or the process of congealing; congeliation.
- English Word Congealment Definition That which is formed by congelation; a clot.
- English Word Congee Definition See Conge, Conge.
- English Word Congee Definition Boiled rice; rice gruel.
- English Word Congee Definition A jail; a lockup.
- English Word Congelation Definition The act or process of passing, or causing to pass, from a fluid to a solid state, as by the abstraction of heat; the act or process of freezing.
- English Word Congelation Definition The state of being congealed.
- English Word Congelation Definition That which is congealed.
- English Word Congener Definition A thing of the same genus, species, or kind; a thing allied in nature, character, or action.
- English Word Congeneracy Definition Similarity of origin; affinity.
- English Word Congeneric Definition Alt. of Congenerical
- English Word Congenerical Definition Belonging to the same genus; allied in origin, nature, or action.
- English Word Congenerous Definition Allied in origin or cause; congeneric; as, congenerous diseases.
- English Word Congenial Definition Partaking of the same nature; allied by natural characteristics; kindred; sympathetic.
- English Word Congenial Definition Naturally adapted; suited to the disposition.
- English Word Congeniality Definition The state or quality of being congenial; natural affinity; adaptation; suitableness.
- English Word Congenialize Definition To make congenial.
- English Word Congenially Definition In a congenial manner; as, congenially married or employed.
- English Word Congenialness Definition Congeniality.
- English Word Congenious Definition Congeneric.
- English Word Congenital Definition Existing at, or dating from, birth; pertaining to one from birth; born with one; connate; constitutional; natural; as, a congenital deformity. See Connate.
- English Word Congenitally Definition In a congenital manner.
- English Word Congenite Definition Congenital; connate; inborn. See Congenital.
- English Word Conger Definition The conger eel; -- called also congeree.
- English Word Congeries Definition A collection of particles or bodies into one mass; a heap; an aggregation.
- English Word Congest Definition To collect or gather into a mass or aggregate; to bring together; to accumulate.