CPage 325
- English Word Concause Definition A joint cause.
- English Word Concavation Definition The act of making concave.
- English Word Concave Definition Hollow and curved or rounded; vaulted; -- said of the interior of a curved surface or line, as of the curve of the of the inner surface of an eggshell, in opposition to convex; as, a concave mirror; the concave arch of the sky.
- English Word Concave Definition Hollow; void of contents.
- English Word Concave Definition A hollow; an arched vault; a cavity; a recess.
- English Word Concave Definition A curved sheath or breasting for a revolving cylinder or roll.
- English Word Concave Definition To make hollow or concave.
- English Word Concaved Definition of Concave
- English Word Concaved Definition Bowed in the form of an arch; -- called also arched.
- English Word Concaveness Definition Hollowness; concavity.
- English Word Concaving Definition of Concave
- English Word Concavities Definition of Concavity
- English Word Concavity Definition A concave surface, or the space bounded by it; the state of being concave.
- English Word Concavo-concave Definition Concave or hollow on both sides; double concave.
- English Word Concavo-convex Definition Concave on one side and convex on the other, as an eggshell or a crescent.
- English Word Concavo-convex Definition Specifically, having such a combination of concave and convex sides as makes the focal axis the shortest line between them. See Illust. under Lens.
- English Word Concavous Definition Concave.
- English Word Conceal Definition To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.
- English Word Concealable Definition Capable of being concealed.
- English Word Concealed Definition of Conceal
- English Word Concealed Definition Hidden; kept from sight; secreted.
- English Word Concealer Definition One who conceals.
- English Word Concealing Definition of Conceal
- English Word Concealment Definition The act of concealing; the state of being concealed.
- English Word Concealment Definition A place of hiding; a secret place; a retreat frem observation.
- English Word Concealment Definition A secret; out of the way knowledge.
- English Word Concealment Definition Suppression of such facts and circumstances as in justice ought to be made known.
- English Word Concede Definition To yield or suffer; to surrender; to grant; as, to concede the point in question.
- English Word Concede Definition To grant, as a right or privilege; to make concession of.
- English Word Concede Definition To admit to be true; to acknowledge.