CPage 309
- English Word Compare Definition To be like or equal; to admit, or be worthy of, comparison; as, his later work does not compare with his earlier.
- English Word Compare Definition To vie; to assume a likeness or equality.
- English Word Compare Definition Comparison.
- English Word Compare Definition Illustration by comparison; simile.
- English Word Compare Definition To get; to procure; to obtain; to acquire
- English Word Compared Definition of Compare
- English Word Comparer Definition One who compares.
- English Word Comparing Definition of Compare
- English Word Comparison Definition The act of comparing; an examination of two or more objects with the view of discovering the resemblances or differences; relative estimate.
- English Word Comparison Definition The state of being compared; a relative estimate; also, a state, quality, or relation, admitting of being compared; as, to bring a thing into comparison with another; there is no comparison between them.
- English Word Comparison Definition That to which, or with which, a thing is compared, as being equal or like; illustration; similitude.
- English Word Comparison Definition The modification, by inflection or otherwise, which the adjective and adverb undergo to denote degrees of quality or quantity; as, little, less, least, are examples of comparison.
- English Word Comparison Definition A figure by which one person or thing is compared to another, or the two are considered with regard to some property or quality, which is common to them both; e.g., the lake sparkled like a jewel.
- English Word Comparison Definition The faculty of the reflective group which is supposed to perceive resemblances and contrasts.
- English Word Comparison Definition To compare.
- English Word Compart Definition To divide; to mark out into parts or subdivisions.
- English Word Comparted Definition of Compart
- English Word Comparting Definition of Compart
- English Word Compartition Definition The act of dividing into parts or compartments; division; also, a division or compartment.
- English Word Compartment Definition One of the parts into which an inclosed portion of space is divided, as by partitions, or lines; as, the compartments of a cabinet, a house, or a garden.
- English Word Compartment Definition One of the sections into which the hold of a ship is divided by water-tight bulkheads.
- English Word Compartner Definition See Copartner.
- English Word Compass Definition A passing round; circuit; circuitous course.
- English Word Compass Definition An inclosing limit; boundary; circumference; as, within the compass of an encircling wall.
- English Word Compass Definition An inclosed space; an area; extent.
- English Word Compass Definition Extent; reach; sweep; capacity; sphere; as, the compass of his eye; the compass of imagination.
- English Word Compass Definition Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; -- used with within.
- English Word Compass Definition The range of notes, or tones, within the capacity of a voice or instrument.
- English Word Compass Definition An instrument for determining directions upon the earth's surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon a pivot and pointing in a northerly and southerly direction.
- English Word Compass Definition A pair of compasses.