CPage 269
- English Word Cognizee Definition One to whom a fine of land was acknowledged.
- English Word Cognizor Definition One who acknowledged the right of the plaintiff or cognizee in a fine; the defendant.
- English Word Cognomen Definition The last of the three names of a person among the ancient Romans, denoting his house or family.
- English Word Cognomen Definition A surname.
- English Word Cognominal Definition Of or pertaining to a cognomen; of the nature of a surname.
- English Word Cognominal Definition One bearing the same name; a namesake.
- English Word Cognomination Definition A cognomen or surname.
- English Word Cognoscence Definition Cognizance.
- English Word Cognoscente Definition A connoisseur.
- English Word Cognoscenti Definition of Cognoscente
- English Word Cognoscibility Definition The quality of being cognoscible.
- English Word Cognoscible Definition Capable of being known.
- English Word Cognoscible Definition Liable to judicial investigation.
- English Word Cognoscitive Definition Having the power of knowing.
- English Word Cognovit Definition An instrument in writing whereby a defendant in an action acknowledges a plaintiff's demand to be just.
- English Word Coguardian Definition A joint guardian.
- English Word Cogue Definition A small wooden vessel; a pail.
- English Word Cogware Definition A coarse, narrow cloth, like frieze, used by the lower classes in the sixteenth century.
- English Word Cogwheel Definition A wheel with cogs or teeth; a gear wheel. See Illust. of Gearing.
- English Word Cohabit Definition To inhabit or reside in company, or in the same place or country.
- English Word Cohabit Definition To dwell or live together as husband and wife.
- English Word Cohabitant Definition One who dwells with another, or in the same place or country.
- English Word Cohabitation Definition The act or state of dwelling together, or in the same place with another.
- English Word Cohabitation Definition The living together of a man and woman in supposed sexual relationship.
- English Word Cohabited Definition of Cohabit
- English Word Cohabiter Definition A cohabitant.
- English Word Cohabiting Definition of Cohabit
- English Word Coheir Definition A joint heir; one of two or more heirs; one of several entitled to an inheritance.
- English Word Coheiress Definition A female heir who inherits with other heiresses; a joint heiress.
- English Word Coheirship Definition The state of being a coheir.