CPage 226
- English Word Clear Definition To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.
- English Word Clear Definition To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.
- English Word Clear Definition To obtain a clearance; as, the steamer cleared for Liverpool to-day.
- English Word Clear-cut Definition Having a sharp, distinct outline, like that of a cameo.
- English Word Clear-cut Definition Concisely and distinctly expressed.
- English Word Clear-headed Definition Having a clear understanding; quick of perception; intelligent.
- English Word Clear-seeing Definition Having a clear physical or mental vision; having a clear understanding.
- English Word Clear-shining Definition Shining brightly.
- English Word Clear-sighted Definition Seeing with clearness; discerning; as, clear-sighted reason
- English Word Clear-sightedness Definition Acute discernment.
- English Word Clearage Definition The act of removing anything; clearance.
- English Word Clearance Definition The act of clearing; as, to make a thorough clearance.
- English Word Clearance Definition A certificate that a ship or vessel has been cleared at the customhouse; permission to sail.
- English Word Clearance Definition Clear or net profit.
- English Word Clearance Definition The distance by which one object clears another, as the distance between the piston and cylinder head at the end of a stroke in a steam engine, or the least distance between the point of a cogwheel tooth and the bottom of a space between teeth of a wheel with which it engages.
- English Word Cleared Definition of Clear
- English Word Clearedness Definition The quality of being cleared.
- English Word Clearer Definition One who, or that which, clears.
- English Word Clearer Definition A tool of which the hemp for lines and twines, used by sailmakers, is finished.
- English Word Clearing Definition of Clear
- English Word Clearing Definition The act or process of making clear.
- English Word Clearing Definition A tract of land cleared of wood for cultivation.
- English Word Clearing Definition A method adopted by banks and bankers for making an exchange of checks held by each against the others, and settling differences of accounts.
- English Word Clearing Definition The gross amount of the balances adjusted in the clearing house.
- English Word Clearly Definition In a clear manner.
- English Word Clearness Definition The quality or state of being clear.
- English Word Clearstarch Definition To stiffen with starch, and then make clear by clapping with the hands; as, to clearstarch muslin.
- English Word Clearstarched Definition of Clearstarch
- English Word Clearstarcher Definition One who clearstarches.
- English Word Clearstory Definition Alt. of Clerestory