CPage 195
- English Word Cibation Definition The process or operation of feeding the contents of the crucible with fresh material.
- English Word Cibol Definition A perennial alliaceous plant (Allium fistulosum), sometimes called Welsh onion. Its fistular leaves areused in cookery.
- English Word Ciboria Definition of Ciborium
- English Word Ciborium Definition A canopy usually standing free and supported on four columns, covering the high altar, or, very rarely, a secondary altar.
- English Word Ciborium Definition The coffer or case in which the host is kept; the pyx.
- English Word Cicada Definition Any species of the genus Cicada. They are large hemipterous insects, with nearly transparent wings. The male makes a shrill sound by peculiar organs in the under side of the abdomen, consisting of a pair of stretched membranes, acted upon by powerful muscles. A noted American species (C. septendecim) is called the seventeen year locust. Another common species is the dogday cicada.
- English Word Cicadae Definition of Cicada
- English Word Cicadas Definition of Cicada
- English Word Cicala Definition A cicada. See Cicada.
- English Word Cicatrice Definition A cicatrix.
- English Word Cicatrices Definition of Cicatrix
- English Word Cicatricial Definition Relating to, or having the character of, a cicatrix.
- English Word Cicatricle Definition The germinating point in the embryo of a seed; the point in the yolk of an egg at which development begins.
- English Word Cicatrisive Definition Tending to promote the formation of a cicatrix; good for healing of a wound.
- English Word Cicatrix Definition The pellicle which forms over a wound or breach of continuity and completes the process of healing in the latter, and which subsequently contracts and becomes white, forming the scar.
- English Word Cicatrizant Definition A medicine or application that promotes the healing of a sore or wound, or the formation of a cicatrix.
- English Word Cicatrization Definition The process of forming a cicatrix, or the state of being cicatrized.
- English Word Cicatrize Definition To heal or induce the formation of a cicatrix in, as in wounded or ulcerated flesh.
- English Word Cicatrize Definition To heal; to have a new skin.
- English Word Cicatrized Definition of Cicatrize
- English Word Cicatrizing Definition of Cicatrize
- English Word Cicatrose Definition Full of scars.
- English Word Cicely Definition Any one of several umbelliferous plants, of the genera Myrrhis, Osmorrhiza, etc.
- English Word Cicero Definition Pica type; -- so called by French printers.
- English Word Cicerone Definition One who shows strangers the curiosities of a place; a guide.
- English Word Cicerones Definition of Cicerone
- English Word Ciceroni Definition of Cicerone
- English Word Ciceronian Definition Resembling Cicero in style or action; eloquent.
- English Word Ciceronianism Definition Imitation of, or resemblance to, the style or action Cicero; a Ciceronian phrase or expression.
- English Word Cich-pea Definition The chick-pea.